10 Letter Words for Diphtheria
9 Letter Words for Diphtheria
rhipidate, thripidae
8 Letter Words for Diphtheria
7 Letter Words for Diphtheria
airthed, aphrite, diptera, epitria, iridate, partied, peridia, pirated, piteira, pithead, pithier, raphide, riptide, thripid, tiderip, tiphead
6 Letter Words for Diphtheria
airted, arditi, dearth, dehair, depair, depart, diaper, diapir, dipter, dither, drapet, epidia, epithi, epitra, hadith, haired, hardie, harped, hatred, hearth, heptad, hertha, hither, ipidae, paired, pardie, pariet, parted, partie, pathed, perdit, periti, petard, piedra, pierid, pirate, pithed, pitied, pitier, prated, pratie, pteria, raited, rapide, rathed, redipt, repaid, rhaphe, taipei, tephra, teraph, therap, thraep, thread, threip, tidier, tirade, traped, trepid
5 Letter Words for Diphtheria
adept, aditi, adret, adrip, ahhed, aider, aired, airth, apert, aphid, apted, apter, arite, arith, atrip, dairi, dairt, darii, dater, deair, death, depit, depth, derah, derat, derth, detar, dheri, diter, drape, drate, dript, earth, edith, ephah, ethid, hadit, haire, haith, haiti, hared, hated, hater, hathi, heard, heart, heath, hepar, hiate, hider, hiera, hiper, hired, hithe, ideta, idite, irade, irate, ither, padre, padri, paire, pairt, parde, pardi, pared, parte, parti, pated, peart, perai, perit, perth, petar, petri, phaet, phare, piert, pieta, pirai, prate, preta, pride, pried, radii, rahed, raped, raphe, rapid, rated, rathe, redia, redip, rehid, repad, retia, retip, rheda, riped, rithe, taped, taper, tapir, tarde, tared, tarie, teiid, tepid, terai, terap, theah, theia, their, third, thrae, thrap, thrid, thrip, tired, trade, trape, tread, triad, tride, tried, tripe
4 Letter Words for Diphtheria
adet, adit, ahed, aide, aire, airt, aith, aped, aper, apii, ared, aret, arid, arte, ated, atip, daer, dare, dari, dart, date, dear, deia, depa, depr, dept, deti, dhai, dier, diet, dipt, dire, dirt, dita, dite, drap, drat, drie, drip, eadi, eard, eath, edit, eira, epha, epit, erat, eria, erth, hade, hair, hait, hard, hare, harp, hart, hate, hath, head, heap, hear, heat, heid, heii, heir, hept, hera, herd, herp, hert, heth, hide, hied, hipe, hipt, hire, iare, idea, ipid, ired, irid, irpe, itai, iter, padi, pahi, paid, pair, pard, pare, pari, part, patd, pate, path, peai, pear, peat, peda, perh, peri, pert, peta, phar, phat, phit, pied, pier, piet, pita, pith, prad, prat, pred, pret, prie, ptah, rade, raid, rait, rape, rapt, rate, rath, read, reap, reit, rept, retd, rhea, rhet, ride, ripa, ripe, ript, rita, rite, tade, taed, tahr, tape, tare, tari, tarp, tead, teap, tear, tehr, tepa, tera, terp, thae, thai, thar, thea, thed, thir, tiar, tide, tidi, tied, tier, tipe, tire, trad, trah, trap, trid, trie, trip
3 Letter Words for Diphtheria
ade, adh, adp, aer, ahh, ahi, aid, air, ait, ape, aph, apr, apt, ard, are, art, ate, atp, dae, dah, dap, dar, dat, dea, dei, dep, der, det, dha, dia, die, dip, dir, dit, dph, dpi, dpt, ead, ear, eat, edh, edp, eir, epa, epi, era, erd, ert, eta, eth, had, hae, hap, hat, hed, heh, hei, hep, her, het, hhd, hia, hid, hie, hip, hir, hit, ida, ide, idp, ihi, ihp, iph, ipr, ira, ire, ita, itd, pad, pah, par, pat, pea, ped, peh, per, pet, phd, phi, phr, pht, pia, pid, pie, pir, pit, pre, pta, pte, rad, rah, rai, rap, rat, rea, red, reh, rei, rep, rha, rhd, rhe, ria, rid, rie, rip, rit, rpt, rte, rti, tad, tai, tap, tar, tdr, tea, ted, ter, tha, thd, the, tid, tie, tip, tpd, tph, tpi, tra, tri, trp
Definitions for Diphtheria
[1] a febrile, infectious disease caused by the bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and characterized by the formation of a false membrane in the air passages, especially the throat.
[2] an acute contagious disease caused by the bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae, producing fever, severe prostration, and difficulty in breathing and swallowing as the result of swelling of the throat and formation of a false membrane
Words nearby Diphtheria
diphenylhydantoin sodium, diphonia, diphosgene, diphosphate, diphosphoglycerate, diphtheria, diphtheria antitoxin, diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis vaccine, diphtheritic, diphtheritic membrane, diphtheroid
Origin of Diphtheria
1850–55; < New Latin < French diphthérie < Greek diphthér(a ) skin, leather + -ia -ia
Other words from Diphtheria
diph′the•rit′ ic (-thə-rĭt′ ĭk ) null null adj.
Word origin for Diphtheria
C19: New Latin, from French diphthérie, from Greek diphthera leather; from the nature of the membrane