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Showing words for DIRECTORY using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Directory


8 Letter Words for Directory

creditor, director

7 Letter Words for Directory

cordite, dictery, dortier, rectory

6 Letter Words for Directory

ceroid, cidery, coedit, corder, coreid, corrie, cotery, credit, cytode, cytoid, dioecy, direct, docity, dorter, dotier, dryrot, editor, erotic, oretic, orrice, record, rector, retrod, rioted, rioter, riotry, rorted, tercio, tierod, tirred, torrid, triced, triode, tyroid, yirred

5 Letter Words for Directory

cedry, certy, cider, cited, citer, coder, cordy, cored, corer, corey, coted, coyed, coyer, credo, cried, crier, criey, crore, decor, decoy, decry, deity, deric, derri, derry, dicer, dicey, dicot, dicty, diety, direr, dirty, diter, dorey, doric, dorty, doter, drice, drier, droit, dryer, ecoid, edict, eyrir, irred, ocyte, order, recit, recti, recto, redry, reird, retro, retry, riced, ricer, ricey, rider, roric, rorid, rorie, rorty, roted, roter, royet, ryder, terry, ticed, ticer, tired, tirer, tored, toric, toyed, toyer, trice, tride, tried, trier, trior, trode, troic, tryer, tydie

4 Letter Words for Directory

cedi, cero, cert, ceti, cide, cire, cite, cito, city, code, coed, coir, coit, cord, core, corr, cort, cory, cote, cred, crit, croy, cyte, dcor, deco, dero, deti, dice, dict, dicy, dier, diet, dioc, dire, dirt, dite, doer, doit, dore, dorr, dort, dory, dote, doty, drey, drie, dyce, dyer, ecod, ecto, edit, eiry, eric, etic, eyot, iced, icer, icod, ideo, iode, ired, iter, oder, odic, oeci, ored, otic, oyer, recd, rect, redo, reit, retd, rice, ricy, ride, rier, riot, rite, rode, roed, roer, roey, roid, roit, rort, rory, rotc, rote, roti, royt, ryot, tedy, terr, tice, tide, tidy, tied, tier, tire, tirr, tode, tody, toed, toey, torc, tore, tori, torr, trey, trid, trie, trio, trod, troy, trye, tyde, tyed, tyer, tyro, tyrr, ycie, yedo, yerd, yeti, yird, yirr, yite, yode, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Directory

cdr, ceo, cer, cid, cie, cir, cit, cod, cor, cot, coy, cro, crt, cry, cte, cto, ctr, dec, dei, der, det, dey, die, dir, dit, doc, doe, dor, dot, dry, dye, eco, ect, edo, eir, erd, err, ert, etc, ety, eyr, ice, icy, ide, ido, ire, itd, iyo, oct, ode, oer, oie, orc, ord, ore, ort, ory, otc, oye, rcd, rct, rec, red, rei, rid, rie, rio, rit, roc, rod, roe, roi, rot, rte, rti, rye, tdr, tec, ted, ter, tic, tid, tie, toc, tod, toe, toi, tor, toy, tri, try, tye, tyr, yed, yeo, yer, yet, yid, yod, yoe, yoi, yor, yot

Definitions for Directory

[1] a book containing an alphabetical index of the names and addresses of persons in a city, district, organization, etc., or of a particular category of people.
[2] a board or tablet on a wall of a building listing the room and floor numbers of the occupants.
[3] a book of directions.
[4] Computers . Also called folder. an organizing unit in a computer's file system for storing and locating files. In a hierarchical file system, directories can contain child directories (subdirectories) as well as files. a description of characteristics of a particular file, as the layout of fields within each record.
[5] the Directory, French History . the body of five directors forming the executive power of France from 1795 to 1799.
[6] serving to direct; directing; directive.
[7] a book, arranged alphabetically or classified by trade listing names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc, of individuals or firms
[8] a book or manual giving directions
[9] a book containing the rules to be observed in the forms of worship used in churches
[10] a less common word for directorate (def. 2)
[11] computing an area of a disk, Winchester disk, or floppy disk that contains the names and locations of files currently held on that disk
[12] directing
[13] history the body of five directors in power in France from 1795 until their overthrow by Napoleon in 1799 Also known as: the French Directory

Words related to Directory

list, catalogue, almanac, index, roster, register, record, book, agenda, lineup, syllabus, scorecard, atlas

Words nearby Directory

director's chair, director's cut, director-general, directorate, directorial, directory, directory assistance, directress, directrix, diredawa, direful

Origin of Directory

1400–50; late Middle English < Medieval Latin dīrēctōrium, noun use of Late Latin dīrēctōrius directorial; in def. 5, translation of French Directoire < Medieval Latin, as above

Synonyms for Directory

almanac, catalogue, list, yellow pages, agenda, atlas, book, charts, index, lineup, record, register, roster, scorecard, syllabus, blue book, gazeteer, hit list, laundry list, little black book, short list, social register, white pages, who's who