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Showing words for DISABLED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Disabled
7 Letter Words for Disabled
6 Letter Words for Disabled
5 Letter Words for Disabled
4 Letter Words for Disabled
3 Letter Words for Disabled
Definitions for Disabled
[1] physically or mentally impaired, injured, or incapacitated.
[2] (used with a plural verb ) physically or mentally impaired persons (usually preceded by the ): Ramps have been installed at the entrances to accommodate the disabled.
[3] to make unable or unfit; weaken or destroy the capability of; incapacitate: The detective successfully disabled the bomb. He was disabled by the accident.
[4] to make legally incapable; disqualify.
[5] lacking one or more physical powers, such as the ability to walk or to coordinate one's movements, as from the effects of a disease or accident, or through mental impairment (as collective noun; preceded by the ) the disabled
[6] to make ineffective, unfit, or incapable, as by crippling
[7] to make or pronounce legally incapable
[8] to switch off (an electronic device)
Words related to Disabled
handicapped, wounded, paralyzed, weakened, infirm, lame, wrecked, hurt, maimed, confined, hamstrung, stalled, broken-down, decrepit, helpless, incapable, powerless, run-down, worn-out
Words nearby Disabled
disability, disability clause, disability insurance, disability rights commission, disable, disabled, disabled list, disablement benefit, disablism, disabuse, disaccharidase
Origin of Disabled
First recorded in 1475–85; dis-1 + able
Other words from Disabled
non·dis·a·bled , noun, adjective
sem·i·dis·a·bled , adjective
un·dis·a·bled , adjective
dis·a·ble·ment , noun
dis·a·bler , noun
Synonyms for Disabled
handicapped, infirm, paralyzed, weakened, wounded, confined, disarmed, hamstrung, hurt, lame, maimed, sidelined, stalled, wrecked, broken-down, decrepit, helpless, incapable, laid-up, out-of-action, out-of-commission, powerless, run-down, worn-out