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Showing words for DISARM using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Disarm
5 Letter Words for Disarm
4 Letter Words for Disarm
3 Letter Words for Disarm
Definitions for Disarm
[1] to deprive of a weapon or weapons.
[2] to remove the fuze or other actuating device from: to disarm a bomb.
[3] to deprive of the means of attack or defense: The lack of logic disarmed his argument.
[4] to divest or relieve of hostility, suspicion, etc.; win the affection or approval of; charm: His smile disarmed us.
[5] to lay down one's weapons.
[6] (of a country) to reduce or limit the size, equipment, armament, etc., of the army, navy, or air force.
[7] (tr) to remove defensive or offensive capability from (a country, army, etc)
[8] (tr) to deprive of weapons
[9] (tr) to remove the triggering device of (a bomb, shell, etc)
[10] (tr) to win the confidence or affection of
[11] (intr) (of a nation, etc) to decrease the size and capability of one's armed forces
[12] (intr) to lay down weapons
Words related to Disarm
demobilize, subdue, neutralize, deactivate, occupy, disband, demilitarize, paralyze, invalidate, disqualify, debilitate, conciliate, skin, incapacitate, cripple, disable, strip, pacify, subjugate, prostrate
Words nearby Disarm
disappointing, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove, disarm, disarmament, disarming, disarrange, disarray, disarticulate
Origin of Disarm
First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English word from Old French word desarmer. See dis-1, arm2
Other words from Disarm
dis·arm·er , noun
un·dis·armed , adjective
Synonyms for Disarm
deactivate, demilitarize, demobilize, disband, neutralize, occupy, subdue, conciliate, cripple, debilitate, disable, disqualify, incapacitate, invalidate, pacify, paralyze, prostrate, skin, strip, subjugate, unarm, weaken, deescalate