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Showing words for DISBUD using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Disbud

disbud, disdub

4 Letter Words for Disbud

bids, buds, dibs, dubs, duds, iuds, sudd, suid

3 Letter Words for Disbud

bds, bid, bis, bud, bus, dds, dib, did, dis, dub, dud, dui, ids, iud, sib, sub, sud, sui, ubi, uds

Definitions for Disbud

[1] to remove leaf buds or shoots from (a plant) to produce a certain shape or effect.
[2] to remove certain flower buds from (a plant) to improve the quality and size of the remaining flowers.
[3] to dehorn (livestock) by removing the horn bud or preventing its further development.
[4] to remove superfluous buds, flowers, or shoots from (a plant, esp a fruit tree)
[5] vet science to remove the horn buds of (calves, lambs, and kids) to prevent horns growing

Words nearby Disbud

disbelief, disbelieve, disbosom, disbound, disbranch, disbud, disburden, disburse, disbursement, disc, disc brake

Origin of Disbud

First recorded in 1715–25; dis-1 + bud1