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Showing words for DISCLAIM using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Disclaim
7 Letter Words for Disclaim
6 Letter Words for Disclaim
5 Letter Words for Disclaim
4 Letter Words for Disclaim
3 Letter Words for Disclaim
Definitions for Disclaim
[1] to deny or repudiate interest in or connection with; disavow; disown: disclaiming all participation.
[2] Law . to renounce a claim or right to.
[3] to reject the claims or authority of.
[4] Law . to renounce or repudiate a legal claim or right.
[5] Obsolete . to disavow interest.
[6] (tr) to deny or renounce (any claim, connection, etc)
[7] (tr) to deny the validity or authority of
[8] law to renounce or repudiate (a legal claim or right)
Words related to Disclaim
disown, disavow, traverse, revoke, repudiate, negate, decline, renounce, abjure, reject, retract, contravene, disparage, disallow, criticize, belittle, abnegate, gainsay, refuse, spurn
Words nearby Disclaim
disciplinary, discipline, disciplined, discission, discitis, disclaim, disclaimer, disclamation, disclimax, disclination, disclose
Origin of Disclaim
First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English word from Anglo-French word disclaimer, desclamer. See dis-1, claim
Words that may be confused with Disclaim
Other words from Disclaim
un·dis·claimed , adjective
Synonyms for Disclaim
disavow, disown, abandon, abjure, abnegate, belittle, contradict, contravene, criticize, decline, deprecate, disallow, discard, disparage, forswear, gainsay, minimize, negate, recant, refuse, reject, renounce, repudiate, retract, revoke, spurn, traverse, disacknowledge, disaffirm, divorce oneself from, turn back on, wash hands of