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Showing words for DISDAIN using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Disdain
6 Letter Words for Disdain
5 Letter Words for Disdain
4 Letter Words for Disdain
3 Letter Words for Disdain
Definitions for Disdain
[1] to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
[2] to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself: to disdain replying to an insult.
[3] a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy; haughty contempt; scorn.
[4] a feeling or show of superiority and dislike; contempt; scorn
[5] (tr; may take an infinitive) to refuse or reject with disdain
Words related to Disdain
ridicule, arrogance, derision, aversion, antipathy, scorn, dislike, pride, hatred, contempt, despise, spurn, deride, belittle, pooh-pooh, abhor, haughtiness, contumely, hauteur, sneering
Words nearby Disdain
discus, discuss, discussant, discussion, discutient, disdain, disdainful, disease, disease determinant, diseased, diseconomy
Origin of Disdain
1300–50; (v.) Middle English disdainen < Anglo-French de(s)deigner (see dis-1, deign); (noun) Middle English disdeyn < Anglo-French desdai(g)n, derivative of the verb
Other words from Disdain
self-dis·dain , noun
un·dis·dain·ing , adjective
Word origin for Disdain
C13 dedeyne, from Old French desdeign, from desdeigner to reject as unworthy, from Latin dēdignārī; see dis- 1 , deign
Synonyms for Disdain
antipathy, arrogance, aversion, contempt, derision, dislike, hatred, pride, ridicule, scorn, contumely, despisal, despite, disparagement, haughtiness, hauteur, insolence, loftiness, sneering, snobbishness, superciliousness, despisement, superbity