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Showing words for DISFELLOWSHIP using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Disfellowship


11 Letter Words for Disfellowship


10 Letter Words for Disfellowship

ellipsoids, fellowship

9 Letter Words for Disfellowship

ellipsoid, fishpoles, heliopsis, hillsides, lepidosis, oilfields, oilfishes, sheldfowl, sidehills, slideshow, swellfish, wildlifes

8 Letter Words for Disfellowship

depolish, despoils, dihelios, diploses, diplosis, disflesh, dispells, dolefish, dollfish, dollship, ellipsis, fieldish, filliped, fishpole, fissiped, foldless, fossiled, heliosis, hillside, idleship, lifehold, lowlifes, oilfield, ossified, peliosis, phelloid, pillowed, ploidies, plowfish, polished, polishes, shipside, shopwife, sidehill, sideshow, sideslip, slipshod, slipshoe, slipsole, solidish, solipeds, sploshed, swellish, whillied, whillies, wifeship, wildlife, wolfless

7 Letter Words for Disfellowship

despoil, dillies, diploes, diplois, dipoles, dispell, dispels, disples, dispose, disship, doilies, dolisie, dollies, dollish, dowless, elfship, ellfish, fellows, fidelis, fillies, fillips, fissile, fissled, floshes, flossed, flossie, foeship, follied, follies, fowells, helioid, helosis, hilloed, hilloes, hipless, hisself, hollies, howdies, idolish, illipes, isohels, lidless, lipless, lipoids, liposis, lophiid, lowlife, oidwlfe, oilfish, oilless, oldwife, peloids, phillis, piedish, pileoli, pillows, pilosis, poiesis, pollies, selfish, sepioid, shields, shilled, sillies, silphid, siphoid, sloshed, slowish, soliped, sophies, spilled, spoiled, swedish, swilled, swiples, swished, wellish, whissed, whissle, wildish, willies, wispish, wolfish, wollies

6 Letter Words for Disfellowship

deflow, defoil, delish, delphi, delphs, dessil, dholes, dholls, diesis, dillis, diploe, dipole, dipsie, dipsos, dishes, dislip, dispel, disple, doless, dollie, dosehs, doshes, dossel, dossil, dowels, dowles, dowses, dwells, dwiles, elfish, ellops, ephods, felids, fellow, feloid, fideos, fields, filled, filles, fillip, fillos, filose, filses, fished, fishes, fissle, fliped, flowed, foeish, foiled, folies, folles, follis, fossed, fossil, fowled, helios, hellos, hilled, hillos, hispid, hissed, hissel, hoised, hoises, holies, hosels, howdie, howfed, howled, idlish, illess, illipe, illish, isodef, isohel, isolde, liflod, lilied, lilies, lipids, lipoid, lisles, lisped, losels, loshes, lowish, lowped, lowsed, lowses, oilish, oldies, oldish, owlish, peloid, philol, philos, pholis, phosis, pilies, pilled, pillow, pilose, pilows, pished, pishes, pissed, plisse, plowed, poesis, poised, poises, poleis, polies, polish, polled, poshed, poshes, posied, posies, possed, possie, psiloi, sepsid, shelfs, shells, sheols, shfsep, shield, shiels, shills, showed, sidles, slides, sliped, slipes, sloids, sloped, slopes, slowed, soiled, soldes, soleil, solidi, solids, sophis, soshed, sowfed, sowish, sowled, sowles, sowsed, speils, spelds, spells, spiels, spiled, spiles, spills, splosh, spodes, spoils, swells, swills, swiped, swipes, swiple, whelps, whiled, whiles, whilie, wholes, whosis, widish, wields, wifies, wifish, willed, willes, wished, wishes, wisped, wissed, wissel, wisshe, wissle, woilie, woldes, wolfed

5 Letter Words for Disfellowship

defis, deils, delfs, delhi, delis, dells, delph, depoh, dhole, dholl, dhols, dhows, dilis, dilli, dills, dilos, diols, diose, diple, dipso, disli, doles, dolls, dopes, doseh, doses, dosis, dowel, dowie, dowle, dowls, dowps, dowse, dphil, dwell, dwile, eidos, eilds, elops, ephod, ephoi, felid, felis, fells, feods, fidel, fides, fidos, field, filed, files, fille, fillo, fills, filos, flesh, flews, flied, flies, flipe, flips, floes, flops, flosh, floss, flowe, flows, foids, foils, folds, folie, fosie, fosse, fowls, heids, heild, heils, helio, helis, hello, hells, helos, helps, hesps, hidel, hides, hield, hillo, hills, hisis, hoise, holds, holed, holes, hoped, hopes, hopis, hosed, hosel, hoses, howel, howes, howfs, howls, idles, idols, idose, ishes, isled, isles, issei, ledol, leish, leiss, lepid, lewis, lidos, liefs, liesh, liles, lilos, lipid, lipse, lisle, lisps, lodes, loeil, loess, loids, loipe, loped, lopes, losed, losel, loses, lowed, lowes, lowps, lowse, lweis, odell, oiled, oldie, olpes, oside, owled, pelfs, pells, pesos, phews, phies, phose, phoss, piled, pilei, piles, pilis, pills, pilow, pisos, pleis, plesh, plews, plied, plies, pliss, plods, plows, poils, poise, poled, poles, polis, polls, posed, poses, posse, seifs, seils, selfs, sells, sheds, sheld, shelf, shell, sheol, shews, shide, shied, shiel, shies, shilf, shill, ships, shode, shoes, shole, shope, shops, showd, shows, sides, sidhe, sidle, sield, silds, siled, siles, sills, silos, siped, sipes, sipid, sleds, slews, slide, slipe, slips, slish, sloes, sloid, slope, slops, slosh, slows, soils, solde, soldi, solds, soled, solei, soles, solid, sophi, sophs, sosie, sowed, sowel, sowfs, sowle, sowls, sowps, sowse, speil, speld, spell, speos, spews, spide, spied, spiel, spies, spile, spill, spise, spode, spods, spoil, spole, sposh, swell, swelp, swies, swile, swill, swipe, swish, swosh, weids, weils, welds, wells, welsh, whelp, whids, while, whill, whils, whips, whisp, whiss, whole, wholl, whops, whose, whsle, wides, wield, wiels, wifed, wifes, wifie, wilds, wiled, wiles, wilis, willi, wills, wiped, wipes, wised, wises, wisps, wisse, wolds, wolfs

4 Letter Words for Disfellowship

defi, defs, deil, deis, delf, deli, dell, dels, desi, dess, dews, dhol, dhow, diel, dies, difs, dill, dilo, diol, dipl, dips, dish, disp, does, dole, dolf, doli, doll, dols, dope, dops, dose, dosh, doss, dowf, dowl, dowp, dows, dsos, edhs, efph, eild, elds, elfs, elhi, elli, ells, elod, epil, epos, esop, feds, fehs, feil, feis, fell, fels, feod, fess, fide, fido, fids, fied, fiel, fies, file, fili, fill, filo, fils, fise, fish, fled, flew, flip, floe, flop, flow, foes, fohs, foid, foil, fold, fole, foll, fops, fosh, foss, fowl, hdwe, heid, heii, heil, held, heli, hell, helo, help, heps, hesp, hews, hide, hied, hies, hild, hile, hili, hill, hipe, hips, hiss, hods, hoed, hoes, hold, hole, holi, holl, holp, hols, holw, hope, hopi, hops, hose, hosp, hoss, howe, howf, howl, hows, ideo, ides, idle, idol, ills, iode, ipid, ipil, ipse, ipso, ised, isis, isle, isls, isos, iwis, leds, leis, leos, leps, less, lewd, lido, lids, lied, lief, lies, life, lifo, lile, lilo, lipe, lips, lish, lisp, liss, lode, lods, loed, loid, loli, lope, lops, lose, losh, loss, lowe, lowp, lows, lwei, lwop, odel, odes, ohed, oils, olds, oles, olid, olpe, oped, opes, oses, osse, owed, owes, owls, owse, peds, peho, pehs, pelf, pell, peso, pess, pews, phew, phil, phis, phos, pied, pies, pile, pili, pill, pise, pish, piso, piss, plew, plie, plod, plow, pods, pohs, poil, pois, pole, poll, pols, pose, posh, poss, pows, psid, psis, seif, seil, seis, seld, self, sell, sels, sepd, seps, sews, shed, shes, shew, ship, shod, shoe, shop, show, side, sidh, sidi, sids, sife, sild, sile, sill, silo, siol, sipe, sips, sise, sish, sisi, sled, slew, slid, slip, slod, sloe, slop, slow, sods, soil, sold, sole, sols, sope, soph, sops, sosh, sowf, sowl, sowp, sows, sped, spew, spie, spif, spod, ssed, swep, weds, weid, weil, weld, weli, well, wels, whid, whip, whod, whop, whse, wide, wied, wiel, wife, wild, wile, wili, will, wipe, wips, wise, wish, wisp, wiss, wode, woes, wold, wolf, wops

3 Letter Words for Disfellowship

def, dei, del, dep, des, dew, die, dif, dil, dip, dis, dle, doe, dol, dop, dos, dow, dph, dpi, dso, dsp, edh, edo, edp, eds, efl, efs, ehf, ehs, eld, elf, eli, ell, els, eof, eos, epi, esd, esp, ess, fed, feh, fei, fes, few, fid, fie, fil, fip, fld, fll, flo, fod, foe, foh, fol, fop, fow, fps, fsh, fwd, hdl, hed, hei, hel, heo, hep, hes, hew, hid, hie, hip, his, hld, hod, hoe, hoi, hol, hop, hos, how, ide, ido, idp, ids, ife, ifs, ihi, ihp, ihs, ile, ill, ilo, iof, ios, iph, ipl, ipo, ips, ise, ish, isl, iso, iwo, ldl, led, lei, leo, lep, les, lew, lhd, lid, lie, lif, lip, lis, lld, lod, loe, lof, lop, los, low, lsd, lwl, lwp, ode, ods, oes, ohs, oie, oii, oil, ois, old, ole, olp, ope, ops, ose, osi, owd, owe, owl, ows, pdl, ped, peh, pel, pes, pew, pfd, phd, phi, pho, pid, pie, pil, pis, plf, pli, pod, poh, poi, pol, pos, pow, psf, psi, psw, sds, sed, sei, sel, sep, sew, she, shf, shi, sho, shp, sie, sif, sil, sip, sis, sld, sle, sod, sol, sop, sow, spl, sps, sse, ssh, ssp, ssw, wed, wef, whf, who, whs, wid, wis, wod, woe, wop, wos

Definitions for Disfellowship

[1] (in some Protestant religions) the status of a member who, because of some serious infraction of church policy, has been denied the church's sacraments and any post of responsibility and is officially shunned by other members.
[2] to place in the status of disfellowship.
[3] to excommunicate

Words nearby Disfellowship

diseur, diseuse, disfavor, disfavour, disfeature, disfellowship, disfigure, disfigurement, disfluency, disforest, disfranchise

Origin of Disfellowship

First recorded in 1600–10; dis-1 + fellowship