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Showing words for DISORDERED using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Disordered
9 Letter Words for Disordered
8 Letter Words for Disordered
7 Letter Words for Disordered
6 Letter Words for Disordered
5 Letter Words for Disordered
4 Letter Words for Disordered
3 Letter Words for Disordered
Definitions for Disordered
[1] lacking organization or in confusion; disarranged.
[2] suffering from or afflicted with a physical or mental disorder: a disordered liver.
[3] lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion: Your room is in utter disorder.
[4] an irregularity: a disorder in legal proceedings.
[5] breach of order; disorderly conduct; public disturbance.
[6] a disturbance in physical or mental health or functions; malady or dysfunction: a mild stomach disorder.
[7] to destroy the order or regular arrangement of; disarrange.
[8] to derange the physical or mental health or functions of.
[9] a lack of order; disarray; confusion
[10] a disturbance of public order or peace
[11] an upset of health; ailment
[12] a deviation from the normal system or order
[13] to upset the order of; disarrange; muddle
[14] to disturb the health or mind of
Words related to Disordered
moved, confused, tousled, roiled, muddled, unsettled, disjointed, removed, displaced, disconnected, mislaid, discombobulated, tangled, deranged, disorganized, jumbled, misplaced, ruffled, discontinuous, incoherent
Words nearby Disordered
disodium phosphate, disomic, disoperation, disopyramide, disorder, disordered, disorderly, disorderly conduct, disorderly house, disorderly person, disorganization
Origin of Disordered
First recorded in 1470–80; dis-1 + order
Other words from Disordered
dis·or·dered·ly , adverb
dis·or·dered·ness , noun
pre·dis·or·dered , adjective
un·dis·or·dered , adjective
pre·dis·or·der , noun
Synonyms for Disordered
confused, deranged, disarranged, discombobulated, disconnected, disjointed, dislocated, disorganized, displaced, jumbled, mislaid, misplaced, molested, moved, muddled, removed, roiled, ruffled, rumpled, shifted, shuffled, tangled, tossed, tousled, tumbled, unsettled, all over the place, discontinuous, in confusion, incoherent, out-of-place, stirred up, tampered-with, untidy