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Showing words for DISSENTING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Dissenting

disnesting, dissenting

9 Letter Words for Dissenting

desisting, destining, dinginess, indigents, indigests, steinings

8 Letter Words for Dissenting

desining, dingiest, enditing, genistin, gentisin, ginniest, indigens, indigent, indigest, insident, insisted, nestings, sdeining, seinings, sendings, sindings, steining, stending, teinding, tidiness, tininess

7 Letter Words for Dissenting

denting, dentins, designs, dieting, digests, dingies, dinting, disgest, disnest, dissent, dissing, dissite, editing, endings, ensigns, gentiin, ignited, ignites, indents, indigen, indiges, indites, ingenit, ingests, ingines, insides, inteind, intends, intines, nesting, nidgets, nidings, sdeigns, seining, seising, sending, sennits, sensing, senting, sidings, signets, signist, sinding, sinnets, sistine, sisting, sitings, snidest, steding, stinged, tending, tensing, tidings, tinding, tineids, tinnies

6 Letter Words for Dissenting

deigns, deiist, deisin, deists, dennis, dentin, design, desist, destin, dieing, diesis, digest, digits, dinges, dining, diting, ending, ensign, geists, ginned, ginnet, gneiss, ideist, ignite, indent, indies, indign, indite, ingent, ingest, ingine, inness, innest, insets, inside, insist, insite, intend, intens, intine, issite, nentsi, nidget, niding, sdeign, sdeins, seniti, sennit, sidest, siding, sients, sigint, signed, signet, singed, singes, sining, sinned, sinnet, sisted, sisten, siting, snides, steins, stends, stinge, stings, teiids, teinds, tennis, tessin, tidies, tiding, tineid, tinged, tinges, tingid, tinies, tining, tinned, tinnie

5 Letter Words for Dissenting

deign, deist, dents, detin, diets, digit, digne, dines, dinge, dings, dints, distn, dites, edits, engin, ensis, entsi, geist, geits, genii, genin, genit, gents, gests, getid, gists, gites, gnide, ident, idest, idite, ignis, indie, indin, inned, innet, innit, inset, intis, issei, neist, nests, nides, nidge, nines, nisei, nisse, nitid, sdein, segni, sends, sengi, senit, senti, sents, sesti, sides, siens, sient, siest, signs, sinds, sined, sines, singe, sings, sited, sites, sneds, snide, snies, snigs, snite, snits, ssing, steds, steid, stein, stend, steng, stens, stied, sties, stine, sting, teiid, teind, tends, tides, tiens, tiges, tinds, tined, tines, tinge, tingi, tings, tsine

4 Letter Words for Dissenting

deis, deni, dens, dent, desi, dess, deti, detn, dies, diet, digs, dine, ding, dins, dint, dist, dite, dits, edit, ends, engs, ests, geds, gein, geit, gens, gent, gess, gest, gets, gids, gied, gien, gies, ginn, gins, gise, gist, gite, gits, ides, inde, indn, init, inne, inns, inst, inti, isdn, ised, isis, isnt, neds, negs, nein, ness, nest, neti, nets, nide, nidi, nids, nied, nies, nine, nisi, nist, nits, segs, seis, seit, send, sens, sent, sets, side, sidi, sids, sien, sign, sind, sine, sing, sins, sise, sisi, sist, site, siti, sits, sned, snig, snit, ssed, sted, steg, sten, stge, stid, stie, teds, tegs, tend, teng, tens, tide, tidi, tids, tied, tien, ties, tige, tigs, tind, tine, ting, tins

3 Letter Words for Dissenting

deg, dei, den, des, det, die, dig, din, dis, dit, eds, end, eng, ens, esd, ess, est, gds, ged, gen, get, gid, gie, gin, gis, git, gns, gtd, gte, ide, ids, ign, ind, ing, inn, ins, int, ise, isn, ist, itd, its, ned, neg, nei, net, nid, nie, nig, nis, nit, nne, sds, sed, seg, sei, sen, set, sgd, sie, sig, sin, sis, sit, sse, std, stg, ted, teg, ten, tes, tgn, tid, tie, tig, tin, tis, tng, tsi, tss

Definitions for Dissenting

[1] to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from ): Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision.
[2] to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.
[3] to disagree with or reject the doctrines or authority of an established church.
[4] difference of sentiment or opinion.
[5] dissenting opinion.
[6] disagreement with the philosophy, methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government.
[7] separation from an established church, especially the Church of England; nonconformity.
[8] to have a disagreement or withhold assent
[9] Christianity to refuse to conform to the doctrines, beliefs, or practices of an established church, and to adhere to a different system of beliefs and practices
[10] a difference of opinion
[11] Christianity separation from an established church; Nonconformism
[12] the voicing of a minority opinion in announcing the decision on a case at law; dissenting judgment

Words related to Dissenting

dissentcontradict, differ, balk, demur, buck, refuse, divide, pettifog, discord, shy, object, vary, decline, wrangle, protest, oppose, disaccord, argue, stickle

Words nearby Dissenting

dissentdisseminated sclerosis, disseminated tuberculosis, dissemination, disseminule, dissension, dissent, dissenter, dissentient, dissenting opinion, dissentious, dissepiment

Origin of Dissenting

1400–50; late Middle English dissenten (< Middle French dissentir ) < Latin dissentīre, equivalent to dis- dis-1 + sentīre to feel

Words that may be confused with Dissenting

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, dissentdecent, descent, dissent

Other words from Dissenting

dis·sent·ing·ly , adverb
non·dis·sent·ing , adjective, noun
un·dis·sent·ing , adjective

Word origin for Dissenting

C16: from Latin dissentīre to disagree, from dis- 1 + sentīre to perceive, feel

Synonyms for Dissenting

balk, contradict, demur, differ, argue, buck, decline, disaccord, discord, divide, object, oppose, pettifog, protest, refuse, shy, stickle, vary, wrangle, break with, fly in the face of, put up a fight, put up an argument, say no way, say not a chance, say nothing doing