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Showing words for DISTILLED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Distilled
8 Letter Words for Distilled
7 Letter Words for Distilled
6 Letter Words for Distilled
5 Letter Words for Distilled
4 Letter Words for Distilled
3 Letter Words for Distilled
Definitions for Distilled
[1] obtained or produced by distillation.
[2] distill.
[3] to subject to a process of vaporization and subsequent condensation, as for purification or concentration.
[4] to extract the volatile components of by distillation; transform by distillation.
[5] to concentrate, purify, or obtain by or as by distillation: to distill whiskey from mash.
[6] to remove by distillation (usually followed by off or out ): to distill out impurities.
[7] to extract the essential elements of; refine; abstract: She managed to distill her ideas into one succinct article.
[8] to let fall in drops; give forth in or as in drops: The cool of the night distills the dew.
[9] to undergo or perform distillation.
[10] to become vaporized and then condensed in distillation.
[11] to drop, pass, or condense as a distillate.
[12] to fall in drops; trickle; exude.
[13] to subject to or undergo distillation See also rectify (def. 2)
[14] (sometimes foll by out or off ) to purify, separate, or concentrate, or be purified, separated, or concentrated by distillation
[15] to obtain or be obtained by distillation to distil whisky
[16] to exude or give off (a substance) in drops or small quantities
[17] (tr) to extract the essence of as if by distillation
Words related to Distilled
infuse, extract, refine, condense, trim, drop, rectify, cook, cut, vaporize, rarefy, ferment, precipitate, express, evaporate, clarify, concentrate, press, dribble, sublimate
Words nearby Distilled
distill, distilland, distillate, distillation, distillation column, distilled, distilled water, distiller, distillers' grain, distillery, distillment
Origin of Distilled
1325–75; Middle English distillen (< Anglo-French distiller ) < Latin distillāre, variant of dēstillāre, equivalent to dē- de- + stillāre to drip
Other words from Distilled
un·dis·tilled , adjective
dis·till·a·ble , adjective
non·dis·till·a·ble , adjective
re·dis·till , verb (used with object)
re·dis·till·a·ble , adjective
re·dis·till·a·ble·ness , noun
Word origin for Distilled
C14: from Latin dēstillāre to distil, from de- + stillāre to drip
Synonyms for Distilled
condense, extract, infuse, refine, brew, clarify, concentrate, cook, cut, dribble, drip, drop, evaporate, express, ferment, precipitate, press, purify, rarefy, rectify, steam, sublimate, trickle, trim, vaporize, volatilize, boil down, cut down, cut to the bone, get to the meat, press out, squeeze out