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Showing words for DISTINCTIVENESS using the English dictionary

15 Letter Words for Distinctiveness


13 Letter Words for Distinctiveness


12 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

disincentive, dissentients, distinctives, distinctness, incisiveness, insistencies, tendinitises

11 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

dissentient, distinctive, insensitive, insistences, instinctive, intensities, intensitive, sensitivist, stintedness, tintinesses

10 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

dentinitis, disinvents, disinvests, disinvites, dissective, dissentive, distensive, divineness, identities, incentives, indecisive, indistinct, insistence, intensives, intestines, investient, scientists, sensitives, tendinitis, tidinesses, tininesses, viscidness

9 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

densities, dentistic, desistive, destinies, destinist, dietetics, disinvent, disinvest, disinvite, divinesse, einsteins, icinesses, incensive, incentive, incidents, indictees, indictive, inessives, inevident, insectine, insistent, insistive, instincts, intensest, intensive, intentive, intestine, necessist, nescients, scientist, sensistic, sensitive, sentients, snideness, tensities, testiness, tintiness, veininess, vendisses, vindesine, viticides

8 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

centesis, centetid, cissiest, citesses, decessit, decisive, dentists, descents, desinent, desitive, destines, dictiest, dietetic, dietines, dietists, dinettes, discitis, disnests, dissects, dissents, distinct, ditsiest, divinest, eidetics, einstein, entities, evidents, identies, incensed, incenses, incented, incident, incisive, incitive, indecent, indictee, inessive, inscient, insected, insensed, insident, insisted, instinct, intendit, intented, invected, invented, invested, invicted, inviscid, invitees, nescient, niceness, niceties, nineties, ninevite, nivenite, senicide, sentient, sestines, sideness, sienites, sienitic, sistence, stievest, stiviest, tennises, tennists, tidiness, tientsin, tininess, tinniest, veiniest, vendises, videttes, vindices, visitees, vitesses, viticide

7 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

censive, deceits, decisis, dectets, deistic, deities, dennets, densest, dentins, dentist, descent, desines, desists, destine, detects, detents, detests, detinet, deveins, devests, devices, devinct, devises, diciest, dietics, dieties, dietine, dietist, dinetic, dinette, disnest, dissect, dissent, dissite, distent, ditties, divests, divines, edeitis, edestin, eidetic, enceint, endites, endives, ensient, enticed, entices, envined, essives, estevin, evicted, evident, evinced, evinces, evisite, iciness, identic, incedes, incense, incents, incests, incised, incises, incited, incites, indenes, indents, indices, indicts, indites, inesite, initive, insects, insense, insides, insists, inteind, intends, intense, intents, intinct, intines, invenit, invents, invests, invised, invited, invitee, invites, nineted, scenist, scenite, scented, sectist, sective, seitens, seities, sennets, sennett, sennite, sennits, senseis, sensist, sensive, sentine, senvies, sestets, sestine, setness, sienite, sinitic, sinnets, sistent, sistine, sitient, sittine, snidest, steined, stenned, stented, stevens, stinted, tediest, tendent, tennies, tennist, tensest, tensive, tidiest, tievine, tincted, tineids, tineine, tiniest, tinnies, tsetses, tsitses, vendiss, venetic, venines, venites, vessets, vidette, vincent, vindict, viniest, viscins, visited, visitee, visites, vitesse

6 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

cedens, cedent, ceinte, censed, censes, cessed, cesses, cevine, cinene, cisted, citess, citied, cities, civets, civite, ctenes, ctenii, deceit, decent, decess, decine, decise, decnet, dectet, deesis, deices, deiist, deisin, deists, denets, denies, dennet, dennis, densen, dentes, dentin, desine, desist, desses, destin, detect, detent, detest, devein, devest, device, devise, dienes, dieses, diesis, dietic, dinics, divest, divies, divine, divise, divisi, dsects, dtente, ecesis, edenic, edicts, eident, encist, endent, endict, endite, endive, entice, enties, envied, envies, envine, essive, estive, ettins, events, evicts, evince, evited, evites, iciest, ideist, idence, incede, incend, incent, incest, incide, incise, incite, indene, indent, indice, indict, indies, indite, initis, inness, innest, insect, insets, inside, insist, insite, intend, intens, intent, intice, intine, invect, invein, invent, invest, invict, invite, isseis, issite, neednt, neives, nenets, nentsi, nesses, nessie, nested, netted, nicene, nicest, nieces, nieves, nisses, nitent, scends, scened, scenes, scents, scient, sdeins, secess, sedent, seined, seines, seised, seises, seiten, seniti, sennet, sennit, sensed, sensei, senses, sented, sessed, sestet, setnet, setted, sevens, sidest, sients, sieved, sieves, sinned, sinnet, sisted, sisten, sittee, sitten, sneest, snides, stedes, steeds, steens, steins, stends, stents, steven, stieve, stints, stived, stives, teends, teiids, teinds, tenent, tenets, tennes, tennis, tensed, tenses, tented, tentie, tessin, tested, testes, testis, teviss, tidies, tincts, tineid, tinies, tinned, tinnet, tinnie, tinted, tintie, titien, tsetse, vectis, veined, vendis, veneti, venice, venine, venins, venise, venite, vented, ventin, vesses, vested, vetted, vicine, vinted, viscid, viscin, viseed, visite, visits, visnes

5 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

cedes, cedis, ceint, cense, centi, cents, cesse, ceste, cesti, cetes, cetin, cides, cines, cists, cited, citee, cites, cives, civet, csnet, ctene, deens, deess, deets, deevs, deice, deist, denes, denet, dense, dents, desse, detin, dette, dices, dicts, diene, diets, dines, dinic, dints, disci, discs, distn, dites, ditts, dives, divet, divis, dsect, dtset, edict, edite, edits, eevns, eneid, enent, enets, ensis, entsi, entte, esnes, essed, essen, esses, etens, ettin, evens, event, evets, evict, evite, iceni, ident, idest, idite, indic, indie, indii, indin, indiv, inned, innet, innit, insee, inset, intis, intsv, issei, ivied, ivies, needn, needs, neist, neive, nenes, nests, netes, neven, neves, nevis, nides, niece, nieve, nines, nisei, nisse, nitid, scend, scene, scent, scind, sdein, sects, sedes, seeds, seine, seise, sence, sends, senit, sense, sente, senti, sents, sesti, setts, seven, sices, sides, siens, sient, siest, sieve, since, sinds, sined, sines, sises, sists, sited, sites, sneds, sneed, snees, snide, snies, snite, snits, stede, steds, steed, steen, steid, stein, stend, stens, stent, stets, steve, stied, sties, stine, stint, stite, stive, teend, teens, teest, teiid, teind, teise, tends, tenes, tenet, tenne, tense, tents, teste, tests, tevet, ticed, tices, tides, tiens, tinct, tinds, tined, tines, tints, tisic, titis, tsine, vedet, vedic, veins, vends, venie, venin, vents, vests, viced, vices, vinci, vined, vines, vinet, vinic, vints, vised, vises, visie, visit, visne, vitis

4 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

cede, cedi, cees, cene, cens, cent, cess, cest, cete, ceti, cide, cids, cine, cist, cite, cits, cive, civs, deen, dees, deet, deev, deis, dene, deni, dens, dent, desc, desi, dess, deti, detn, deve, devi, devs, dice, dict, dies, diet, dine, dins, dint, disc, dist, dite, dits, ditt, dive, divi, divs, eden, edit, eevn, eide, eine, ende, ends, ened, enes, ense, eses, esne, esse, ests, eten, etic, even, eves, evet, iced, ices, idee, ides, idic, inde, indn, init, inne, inns, inst, inti, invt, isdn, ised, isis, isnt, ivin, neds, need, neet, nein, nene, nese, ness, nest, nete, neti, nets, neve, nevi, nice, nide, nidi, nids, nied, nies, nine, nisi, nist, nits, nsec, scet, scsi, sctd, secs, sect, seed, seen, sees, seis, seit, send, sene, sens, sent, sese, sess, sets, sett, seve, sice, sics, side, sidi, sids, sien, sind, sine, sins, sise, sisi, siss, sist, site, siti, sits, sned, snee, snit, ssed, sted, sten, stet, stid, stie, svce, teds, teed, teen, tees, teet, tend, tene, tens, tent, test, tete, tets, tice, tics, tide, tidi, tids, tied, tien, ties, tinc, tind, tine, tins, tint, tite, titi, tits, veen, vees, vein, vend, vent, vese, vest, vets, vice, vide, vids, vied, vies, viii, vine, vins, vint, vise, viss, vite

3 Letter Words for Distinctiveness

cee, cen, cid, cie, cis, cit, civ, cns, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cts, dec, dee, dei, den, des, det, dev, die, din, dis, dit, div, ect, eds, eec, een, enc, end, ene, ens, env, esc, esd, ese, ess, est, etc, eve, ice, ide, ids, iii, inc, ind, inn, ins, int, inv, ise, isn, ist, itd, its, ive, ned, nee, nei, net, nid, nie, nis, nit, nne, scd, sci, sct, sds, sec, sed, see, sei, sen, set, sic, sie, sin, sis, sit, sse, std, svc, tdt, tec, ted, tee, ten, tes, tet, tic, tid, tie, tin, tis, tit, tnt, tsi, tss, tst, vee, vei, vet, vic, vid, vie, vii, vin, vis, vss

Definitions for Distinctiveness

[1] serving to distinguish; characteristic; distinguishing: the distinctive stripes of the zebra.
[2] having a special quality, style, attractiveness, etc.; notable.
[3] serving or tending to distinguish
[4] denoting one of a set of minimal features of a phoneme in a given language that serve to distinguish it from other phonemes. The distinctive features of /p/ in English are that it is voiceless, bilabial, non-nasal, and plosive; /b/ is voiced, bilabial, non-nasal, and plosive: the two differ by the distinctive feature of voice

Words related to Distinctiveness

distinctiveuniqueness, specialty, discreteness, separateness, particularity

Words nearby Distinctiveness

distinctivedistillers' grain, distillery, distillment, distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinctive feature, distinctiveness ratio, distinctly, distinguish, distinguished

Origin of Distinctiveness

1575–85; < Medieval Latin distinctīvus, equivalent to Latin distinct(us ) distinct + -īvus -ive

Words that may be confused with Distinctiveness

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, distinctivedistinctive, distinguishable, distinguished

Other words from Distinctiveness

dis·tinc·tive·ly , adverb
dis·tinc·tive·ness , noun
sub·dis·tinc·tive , adjective
sub·dis·tinc·tive·ly , adverb
sub·dis·tinc·tive·ness , noun

Synonyms for Distinctiveness

uniqueness, discreteness, disparateness, particularity, separateness, specialness, specialty