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Showing words for DIVORCED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Divorced
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6 Letter Words for Divorced
5 Letter Words for Divorced
4 Letter Words for Divorced
3 Letter Words for Divorced
Definitions for Divorced
[1] a judicial declaration dissolving a marriage in whole or in part, especially one that releases the marriage partners from all matrimonial obligations. Compare judicial separation.
[2] any formal separation of husband and wife according to established custom.
[3] total separation; disunion: a divorce between thought and action.
[4] to separate by divorce: The judge divorced the couple.
[5] to break the marriage contract between oneself and (one's spouse) by divorce: She divorced her husband.
[6] to separate; cut off: Life and art cannot be divorced.
[7] to get a divorce.
[8] a divorced man.
[9] the dissolution of a marriage by judgment of a court or by accepted custom
[10] a judicial decree declaring a marriage to be dissolved
[11] a separation, esp one that is total or complete
[12] to separate or be separated by divorce; give or obtain a divorce (to a couple or from one's spouse)
[13] (tr) to remove or separate, esp completely
[14] a man who has been divorced
Words related to Divorced
divorcebreakup, dissolution, split, separation, annulment, dissociate, disconnect, sever, separate, division, divorcement, severance, disunion, partition, break, detachment, breach, rupture, dissociation, splitsville
Words nearby Divorced
ivision sign, divisionism, divisive, divisor, divo, divorce, divorce court, divorce mill, divorcement, divorcé, divorcée
Origin of Divorced
é1805–15; < French, noun use of masculine past participle of divorcer < Medieval Latin dīvortiāre to divorce, derivative of Latin dīvortium divorce
Other words from Divorced
di·vorce·a·ble , adjective
di·vorc·er , noun
di·vor·cive , adjective
non·di·vorced , adjective
un·di·vorce·a·ble , adjective
un·di·vorced , adjective
Word origin for Divorced
C14: from Old French, from Latin dīvortium from dīvertere to separate; see divert
Synonyms for Divorced
break up, disconnect, dissociate, separate, sever, annul, cancel, disjoin, dissever, dissolve, disunite, divide, nullify, part, split, sunder, put away, unmarry