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Showing words for DIZZY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Dizzy
4 Letter Words for Dizzy
3 Letter Words for Dizzy
Definitions for Dizzy
[1] having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall; giddy; vertiginous.
[2] bewildered; confused.
[3] causing giddiness or confusion: a dizzy height.
[4] heedless; thoughtless.
[5] Informal . foolish; silly.
[6] to make dizzy.
[7] James (Byron), 1931–55, U.S. actor.
[8] Jay Hanna Dizzy , 1911–74, U.S. baseball pitcher.
[9] a male given name: from the Old English family name meaning “valley.”
[10] Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield Dizzy , 1804–81, British statesman and novelist: prime minister 1868, 1874–80.
[11] John Birks [burks] /bɜrks/ Dizzy , 1917–93, U.S. jazz trumpeter and composer.
[12] affected with a whirling or reeling sensation; giddy
[13] mentally confused or bewildered
[14] causing or tending to cause vertigo or bewilderment
[15] informal foolish or flighty
[16] (tr) to make dizzy
[17] the chief administrative official of a college or university faculty
[18] (at Oxford and Cambridge universities) a college fellow with responsibility for undergraduate discipline
[19] mainly Church of England the head of a chapter of canons and administrator of a cathedral or collegiate church
[20] RC Church the cardinal bishop senior by consecration and head of the college of cardinals See also rural dean Related adjective: decanal
[21] Forest of Dean a forest in W England, in Gloucestershire, between the Rivers Severn and Wye: formerly a royal hunting ground
[22] Christopher. See Torvill and Dean
[23] James (Byron ). 1931–55, US film actor, who became a cult figure; his films include East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause (both 1955). He died in a car crash
[24] Dizzy, nickname of John Birks Gillespie. 1917–93, US jazz trumpeter
[25] Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield. 1804–81, British Tory statesman and novelist; prime minister (1868; 1874–80). He gave coherence to the Tory principles of protectionism and imperialism, was responsible for the Reform Bill (1867) and, as prime minister, bought a controlling interest in the Suez Canal. His novels include Coningsby (1844) and Sybil (1845)
Words related to Dizzy
giddy, groggy, woozy, distracted, shaky, dumb, wobbly, dazed, crazy, foolish, silly, skittish, blind, muddled, bewildered, bemused, puzzled, light, addled, reeling
Words nearby Dizzy
diyer, dizain, dizen, dizygotic, dizziness, dizzy, dizzying, dièdre, diégo-suarez, dj, djailolo
Origin of Dizzy
before 900; Middle English dysy, Old English dysig foolish; cognate with Low German düsig stupefied
Other words from Dizzy
diz·zi·ly , adverb
diz·zi·ness , noun
Word origin for Dizzy
eanC14: from Old French deien, from Late Latin decānus one set over ten persons, from Latin decem ten
Synonyms for Dizzy
dazed, distracted, dumb, giddy, groggy, shaky, wobbly, woozy, addled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, blind, blinded, dazzled, disturbed, dumbfounded, faint, light, muddled, puzzled, reeling, staggered, staggering, swimming, upset, whirling, gaga, hazy, off balance, out of control, punch-drunk, punchy, slap-happy, tipsy, unsteady, vertiginous, weak in the knees, weak-kneed