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Showing words for DOER using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Doer
dero, doer, dore, oder, ored, redo, rode, roed
3 Letter Words for Doer
der, doe, dor, edo, erd, ode, oer, ord, ore, red, rod, roe
Definitions for Doer
[1] a person or thing that does something, especially a person who gets things done with vigor and efficiency.
[2] a person characterized by action, as distinguished from one given to contemplation.
[3] Australian . an amusing or eccentric person; character.
[4] a person or thing that does something or acts in a specified manner a doer of good
[5] an active or energetic person
[6] a thriving animal, esp a horse
Words related to Doer
Words nearby Doer
dodona, doe, doe-eyed, doek, doenitz, doer, doer and gone, doerfler-stewart test, does, does, doesn't, doeskin
Origin of Doer
1300–50; Middle English. See do1, -er1
Synonyms for Doer
achiever, motivator, dynamo, busy person, energetic person, man of action, mover and shaker, risk-taker, woman of action