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Showing words for DOGGED using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Dogged
5 Letter Words for Dogged
4 Letter Words for Dogged
3 Letter Words for Dogged
Definitions for Dogged
[1] persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious: a dogged worker.
[2] doggoned; damned; confounded: Well, I'll be dogged!
[3] a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.
[4] any carnivore of the dog family Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and slender muzzle, a deep-chested muscular body, a bushy tail, and large, erect ears. Compare canid.
[5] the male of such an animal.
[6] any of various animals resembling a dog.
[7] a despicable man or youth.
[8] Informal . a fellow in general: a lucky dog.
[9] dogs, Slang . feet.
[10] Slang . something worthless or of extremely poor quality: That used car you bought is a dog. an utter failure; flop: Critics say his new play is a dog.
[11] Slang . an ugly, boring, or crude person.
[12] Slang . hot dog.
[13] (initial capital letter ) Astronomy . either of two constellations, Canis Major or Canis Minor.
[14] Machinery . any of various mechanical devices, as for gripping or holding something. a projection on a moving part for moving steadily or for tripping another part with which it engages.
[15] Also called gripper, nipper. Metalworking . a device on a drawbench for drawing the work through the die.
[16] a cramp binding together two timbers.
[17] an iron bar driven into a stone or timber to provide a means of lifting it.
[18] an andiron; firedog.
[19] Meteorology . a sundog or fogdog.
[20] a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter D.
[21] to follow or track like a dog, especially with hostile intent; hound.
[22] to drive or chase with a dog or dogs.
[23] Machinery . to fasten with dogs.
[24] obstinately determined; wilful or tenacious
[25] a domesticated canine mammal, Canis familiaris, occurring in many breeds that show a great variety in size and form (as modifier ) dog biscuit
[26] any other carnivore of the family Canidae, such as the dingo and coyote (as modifier ) the dog family Related adjective: canine
[27] the male of animals of the dog family (as modifier ) a dog fox
[28] (modifier) spurious, inferior, or useless dog Latin (in combination ) dogberry
[29] a mechanical device for gripping or holding, esp one of the axial slots by which gear wheels or shafts are engaged to transmit torque
[30] informal a fellow; chap you lucky dog
[31] informal a man or boy regarded as unpleasant, contemptible, or wretched
[32] US informal a male friend: used as a term of address
[33] slang an unattractive or boring girl or woman
[34] US and Canadian informal something unsatisfactory or inferior
[35] short for firedog
[36] any of various atmospheric phenomena See fogdog, seadog, sundog
[37] a dog's chance no chance at all
[38] a dog's dinner or a dog's breakfast informal something that is messy or bungled
[39] a dog's life a wretched existence
[40] dog eat dog ruthless competition or self-interest
[41] like a dog's dinner informal dressed smartly or ostentatiously
[42] put on the dog US and Canadian informal to behave or dress in an ostentatious or showy manner
[43] to pursue or follow after like a dog
[44] to trouble; plague to be dogged by ill health
[45] to chase with a dog or dogs
[46] to grip, hold, or secure by a mechanical device
[47] (usually in combination ) thoroughly; utterly dog-tired
Words related to Dogged
tenacious, stubborn, unshakable, steadfast, indefatigable, resolute, unflagging, hard-nosed, unyielding, staunch, single-minded, relentless, firm, unbending, obstinate, steady, persevering, adamant, bullheaded, hardheaded
Words nearby Dogged
doge, dogey, dogface, dogfight, dogfish, dogged, dogger, dogger bank, doggerel, doggery, doggett's coat and badge race
Origin of Dogged
before 1050; Middle English dogge, Old English docga
Other words from Dogged
dog·ged·ly , adverb
dog·ged·ness , noun
dog·less , adjective
dog·like , adjective
Word origin for Dogged
Old English docga, of obscure origin
Synonyms for Dogged
hard-nosed, indefatigable, relentless, resolute, single-minded, staunch, steadfast, stubborn, tenacious, unflagging, unshakable, unyielding, firm, obstinate, persevering, steady, unbending, adamant, bullheaded, hanging tough, hardheaded, inexorable, inflexible, insistent, mulish, obdurate, perseverant, perseverative, pertinacious, pigheaded, rigid, tough nut