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Showing words for DOLTISH using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Doltish
6 Letter Words for Doltish
dhotis, dotish, holist, lithos, oldish, stolid, thiols
5 Letter Words for Doltish
dhols, dhoti, dilos, diols, doilt, doits, dolts, hilts, hoist, holds, holts, idols, islot, lidos, litho, liths, loids, odist, sidth, sloid, sloth, soldi, solid, stold, thiol, tholi, toils
4 Letter Words for Doltish
dhol, dilo, diol, dish, dist, dits, doit, doli, dols, dolt, dosh, dost, doth, dots, hild, hilt, hist, hits, hods, hoit, hold, holi, hols, holt, host, hoti, hots, idol, ilot, ilth, isth, lido, lids, lish, list, lith, lits, lods, loid, losh, lost, loti, lots, oils, olds, olid, otis, shit, shod, shot, sidh, sild, silo, silt, siol, sith, slid, slit, slod, slot, soil, sold, soth, stid, stod, thio, this, thos, tids, tils, tods, toil, told, tosh, tshi
3 Letter Words for Doltish
dil, dis, dit, dol, dos, dot, dso, hdl, hid, his, hit, hld, hod, hoi, hol, hos, hot, hts, ido, ids, ihs, ilo, ios, ish, isl, iso, ist, itd, its, lhd, lid, lis, lit, lod, los, lot, lsd, lst, ltd, ods, ohs, oil, ois, old, osi, shi, sho, sht, sil, sit, sld, slt, sod, sol, sot, std, thd, tho, tid, til, tis, tlo, tod, toi, tol, tos, tsh, tsi
Definitions for Doltish
[1] a dull, stupid person; blockhead.
[2] a slow-witted or stupid person
Words related to Doltish
doltbrainless, dense, dimwitted, dumb, empty-headed, half-witted, oafish, obtuse, simple, simpleminded, thickheaded, unintelligent, blockish, boneheaded, cloddish
Words nearby Doltish
doltdolphin striker, dolphinarium, dolphinfish, dolphy, dols., dolt, dolton, dolus, dom, dom., dom. rep.
Origin of Doltish
1535–45; variant of obsolete dold stupid, orig. past participle of Middle English dollen, dullen to dull
Other words from Doltish
dolt·ish , adjective
dolt·ish·ly , adverb
dolt·ish·ness , noun
Word origin for Doltish
C16: probably related to Old English dol stupid; see dull
Synonyms for Doltish
blockheaded, blockish, boneheaded, brainless, cloddish, dense, dimwitted, dumb, empty-headed, half-witted, loggerheaded, oafish, obtuse, simple, simpleminded, thickheaded, unintelligent