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Showing words for DOMICILE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Domicile
7 Letter Words for Domicile
6 Letter Words for Domicile
5 Letter Words for Domicile
4 Letter Words for Domicile
3 Letter Words for Domicile
Definitions for Domicile
[1] a place of residence; abode; house or home.
[2] Law . a permanent legal residence.
[3] to establish in a domicile.
[4] a dwelling place
[5] a permanent legal residence
[6] British commerce the place where a bill of exchange is to be paid
[7] to establish or be established in a dwelling place
Words related to Domicile
abode, apartment, dwelling, dump, residence, habitation, rack, joint, pad, condominium, house, mansion, home, castle, settlement, accommodation, roost, condo, co-op, residency
Words nearby Domicile
domesticity, domestique, domett, domical, domical vault, domicile, domiciliar, domiciliary, domiciliary care, domiciliate, domiciliated
Origin of Domicile
1470–80; < Middle French < Latin domicilium, perhaps equivalent to *domicol(a ) (domi-, combining form of domus house + -cola dweller; see colonus) + -ium -ium
Other words from Domicile
un·dom·i·ciled , adjective
Word origin for Domicile
C15: from Latin domicilium, from domus house
Synonyms for Domicile
abode, accommodation, apartment, castle, co-op, condo, condominium, dump, dwelling, habitation, home, house, joint, mansion, pad, rack, residence, residency, roost, settlement, commorancy, crash pad, legal residence, roof over head