9 Letter Words for Dominated
demantoid, dominated
8 Letter Words for Dominated
addiment, dinamode, dominate, nematoid
7 Letter Words for Dominated
adenoid, adonite, amidone, aminded, amniote, anomite, damenti, dentoid, diamond, dimedon, diomate, domaine, donated, iodated, mantoid, mediant, nidated, nodated, oddment, ominate, tendido, toadied, todidae
6 Letter Words for Dominated
adient, aidmen, amidon, anomie, antdom, antido, atimon, atoned, daemon, daimen, daimon, dained, damine, damned, damnit, dandie, danted, daoine, dation, ddname, demain, demand, demoid, detain, diadem, diatom, dimane, dinted, ditone, doated, dodman, doited, domain, doment, domina, domine, domite, domnei, donate, emodin, etamin, inmate, inmeat, intoed, iodate, ionate, madden, maided, maiden, mained, manito, mantid, mediad, median, medina, medino, midden, minded, minted, moaned, moated, modena, montia, nidate, nomade, oddman, ointed, omenta, oneida, taddie, taimen, tamein, tamine, tandem, tenaim, tienda, tinded, tomand
5 Letter Words for Dominated
addio, adion, admen, admin, admit, aided, aimed, amend, ament, amide, amido, amine, amino, amnio, anded, anime, animo, anode, anted, atmid, atone, daine, daint, damie, damon, danio, dante, dated, dedit, deman, demit, demon, demot, denat, denda, denim, denom, deota, detin, diane, didna, didnt, dined, diode, diota, dited, doand, doina, domed, donat, donet, doted, enami, endia, entad, entia, entom, etiam, idant, iddat, ident, ideta, inoma, madid, maine, maint, mande, mandi, maned, manei, manet, manid, manie, manit, manto, mated, matie, matin, meant, media, medio, meint, menat, menta, mento, metad, minae, mined, minot, monad, monde, monie, monte, moted, moten, named, naomi, nided, niota, noddi, noded, noemi, nomad, nomia, noted, oaten, omani, omina, taino, tamed, tamin, teind, teman, temin, tenai, tendo, tenia, tenio, tided, timed, timon, tinea, tined, todde, todea, toman, tomia, tomin, tondi, toned
4 Letter Words for Dominated
addn, aden, adet, adit, admi, adod, adon, aide, aine, aint, aion, amdt, amen, amid, amie, amin, amit, amon, anet, anim, ante, anti, ated, atmo, atom, dade, dado, dain, dame, damn, dand, dane, dant, date, dato, dead, dean, deda, dedo, deia, deid, demi, demo, deni, dent, detd, deti, detn, diam, dian, didn, dido, died, diem, diet, dime, dine, dino, dint, dita, dite, dmod, doat, doen, doit, dome, domn, dona, done, doni, dont, dote, eadi, edam, edda, eddo, edit, emda, emit, enam, endo, ento, eoan, etna, eton, idea, idem, ideo, iman, inde, inta, into, iode, iota, item, itmo, made, mado, maed, maid, main, mand, mane, mani, mano, mant, maoi, mate, mdnt, mead, mean, meat, mein, meio, mend, meno, ment, meta, miae, mian, mide, midn, mien, mind, mine, mino, mint, mite, moan, moat, mode, modi, moed, moet, moid, moit, mona, mone, mont, mota, mote, naid, naio, name, naoi, nato, neat, nema, nemo, neti, nide, nied, nito, node, nodi, noma, nome, nota, note, odea, odin, oime, oint, oman, omen, omit, omni, tade, taed, taen, tain, tame, tane, tead, team, tean, tend, tiao, tide, tied, tien, time, tind, tine, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tome, tone
3 Letter Words for Dominated
add, ade, adm, ado, aid, aim, ain, ait, ame, ami, amt, and, ane, ant, ate, atm, dad, dae, dam, dan, dao, dat, ddt, dea, ded, dei, dem, den, det, dia, did, die, dim, din, dit, dmd, dna, doa, dod, doe, dom, don, dot, dtd, ead, eam, ean, eat, edd, edo, emo, end, eom, eon, eta, iao, ida, ide, ido, imo, ind, int, ion, ita, itd, mad, mae, man, mao, mat, mea, med, mei, men, met, mia, mid, min, mit, mna, moa, mod, moe, moi, mon, mot, mtd, mtn, nad, nae, nam, nat, nea, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nim, nit, noa, nod, nom, not, oad, oam, oat, oda, odd, ode, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, tad, tai, tam, tan, tao, tea, ted, tem, ten, tid, tie, tim, tin, toa, tod, toe, toi, tom, ton
Definitions for Dominated
[1] to rule over; govern; control.
[2] to tower above; overlook; overshadow: A tall pine dominated the landscape.
[3] to predominate, permeate, or characterize.
[4] Mathematics . (of a series, vector, etc.) to have terms or components greater in absolute value than the corresponding terms or components of a given series, vector, etc.
[5] Linguistics . (of a node in a tree diagram) to be connected with (a subordinate node) either directly by a single downward branch or indirectly by a sequence of downward branches.
[6] to rule; exercise control; predominate.
[7] to occupy a commanding or elevated position.
[8] to control, rule, or govern (someone or something)
[9] to tower above (surroundings, etc); overlook
[10] (tr; usually passive) to predominate in (something or someone)
Words related to Dominated
dominatecontrol, run, lead, overshadow, manage, influence, command, dictate, monopolize, prevail, head, handle, preponderate, outshine, overrule, eclipse, direct, reign, boss, tyrannize
Words nearby Dominated
ominant inheritance, dominant seventh chord, dominant tenement, dominant trait, dominant wavelength, dominate, domination, dominations, dominative, dominatrix, domine
Origin of Dominated
1605–15; < Latin dominātus (past participle of dominārī to master, control), equivalent to domin- (stem of dominus ) master + -ātus -ate1
Words that may be confused with Dominated
ominant, dominate, domineer, (see, synonym, study, at, dominant)
Other words from Dominated
dom·i·nat·ing·ly , adverb
dom·i·na·tor , noun
non·dom·i·nat·ing , adjective
o·ver·dom·i·nate , verb (used with object), o·ver·dom·i·nat·ed, o·ver·dom·i·nat·ing.
re·dom·i·nate , verb, re·dom·i·nat·ed, re·dom·i·nat·ing.
un·dom·i·nat·ed , adjective
well-dom·i·nat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Dominated
C17: from Latin dominārī to be lord over, from dominus lord
Synonyms for Dominated
command, control, dictate, influence, lead, manage, monopolize, overshadow, prevail, run, boss, direct, domineer, eclipse, handle, head, outshine, overbear, overrule, predominate, preponderate, reign, subject, subjugate, sway, tyrannize, call the shots, detract from, have one's way, have upper hand, hold sway over, keep under thumb, lay down the law, lead by the nose, play first fiddle, prevail over, rule the roost, run the show, sit on top of, superabound