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Showing words for DONATIVE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Donative


7 Letter Words for Donative

adonite, deviant

6 Letter Words for Donative

adient, advent, antido, atoned, daoine, dation, dative, detain, devant, devota, ditone, donate, evanid, intoed, invade, iodate, ionate, native, navite, nevoid, nidate, novate, ointed, oneida, ovated, tienda, viande, vinted

5 Letter Words for Donative

adion, anode, anted, atone, avine, avion, avoid, daine, daint, danio, dante, daven, davit, denat, deota, detin, devon, devot, diane, diota, divan, divet, divot, doina, donat, donet, doven, dovie, endia, entad, entia, envoi, idant, ident, ideta, naevi, naive, navet, nevat, niota, noted, novae, oaten, ovant, ovate, ovine, taino, teind, tenai, tendo, tenia, tenio, tinea, tined, todea, tondi, toned, vaned, venta, viand, video, vinea, vined, vinet, vinta, vitae, voted

4 Letter Words for Donative

aden, adet, adit, adon, advt, aide, aine, aint, aion, anet, ante, anti, ated, avid, avie, dain, dane, dant, date, dato, dave, dean, deia, deni, dent, deti, detn, deva, devi, dian, diet, dine, dino, dint, dita, dite, diva, dive, doat, doen, doit, dona, done, doni, dont, dote, dove, eadi, edit, endo, ento, eoan, etna, eton, idea, ideo, inde, inta, into, invt, iode, iota, naid, naio, naoi, nato, nave, navi, neat, neti, nevi, nevo, nide, nied, nito, node, nodi, nota, note, nova, odea, odin, oint, oven, ovid, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, tave, tead, tean, tend, tiao, tide, tied, tien, tind, tine, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tone, vade, vain, vane, vant, veda, vein, vena, vend, vent, veta, veto, vide, vied, vina, vine, vino, vint, vita, vite, voet, void, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Donative

ade, ado, adv, aid, ain, ait, and, ane, ant, ate, ave, avn, avo, dae, dan, dao, dat, dea, dei, den, det, dev, dia, die, din, dit, div, dna, doa, doe, don, dot, ead, ean, eat, edo, end, env, eon, eta, iao, ida, ide, ido, ind, int, inv, ion, ita, itd, iva, ive, nad, nae, nat, nav, nea, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nit, noa, nod, not, nov, oad, oat, oda, ode, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, ova, tad, tai, tan, tao, tav, tea, ted, ten, tid, tie, tin, toa, tod, toe, toi, ton, tov, vae, van, vat, vei, vet, via, vid, vie, vin, voe, von

Definitions for Donative

[1] a gift or donation.
[2] a gift or donation
[3] a benefice capable of being conferred as a gift
[4] of or like a donation
[5] being or relating to a benefice

Words nearby Donative

donatello, donath-landsteiner phenomenon, donation, donation land, donatist, donative, donatory, donatus, donau, donbass, doncaster

Origin of Donative

1400–50; late Middle English < Latin dōnātīvum, noun use of neuter of dōnātīvus gratuitous, equivalent to dōnāt(us ) (see donation) + -īvus -ive

Word origin for Donative

C15: from Latin dōnātīvum donation made to soldiers by a Roman emperor, from dōnāre to present