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Showing words for DOUBTFUL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Doubtful
6 Letter Words for Doubtful
5 Letter Words for Doubtful
4 Letter Words for Doubtful
3 Letter Words for Doubtful
Definitions for Doubtful
[1] of uncertain outcome or result.
[2] admitting of or causing doubt; uncertain; ambiguous.
[3] unsettled in opinion or belief; undecided; hesitating.
[4] of equivocal or questionable character: His tactics are highly doubtful.
[5] unlikely; improbable
[6] characterized by or causing doubt; uncertain a doubtful answer
[7] unsettled; unresolved
[8] of questionable reputation or morality
[9] having reservations or misgivings
[10] (of a sportsperson) not likely to be fit enough to play or take part
[11] a person who is undecided or uncertain about an issue
[12] a sportsperson who is not likely to be fit enough to play or take part
Words related to Doubtful
indecisive, unsure, problematic, insecure, suspicious, precarious, dubious, uneasy, unstable, hazy, undecided, unsettled, uncertain, dicey, debatable, skeptical, hesitant, tentative, puzzled, unconvinced
Words nearby Doubtful
doublure, doubly, doubly armed suture, doubs, doubt, doubtful, doubting thomas, doubtless, douc, douce, douceperes
Origin of Doubtful
First recorded in 1350–1400, doubtful is from the Middle English word douteful. See doubt, -ful
Other words from Doubtful
doubt·ful·ly , adverb
doubt·ful·ness , noun
pre·doubt·ful , adjective
pre·doubt·ful·ly , adverb
qua·si-doubt·ful , adjective
qua·si-doubt·ful·ly , adverb
un·doubt·ful , adjective
un·doubt·ful·ly , adverb
un·doubt·ful·ness , noun
Synonyms for Doubtful
debatable, dicey, dubious, hazy, indecisive, insecure, precarious, problematic, suspicious, uncertain, undecided, uneasy, unsettled, unstable, unsure, ambiguous, borderline, chancy, clouded, contingent, disreputable, doubtable, dubitable, equivocal, far-fetched, fat chance, fishy, hazardous, iffy, impugnable, inconclusive, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, long shot, obscure, on thin ice, open, pending, shady, sneaky, speculative, suspect, touch-and-go, touchy, unconfirmed, up for grabs