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Showing words for DOUCHE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Douche
5 Letter Words for Douche
4 Letter Words for Douche
3 Letter Words for Douche
Definitions for Douche
[1] a jet or current of water, sometimes with a dissolved medicating or cleansing agent, applied to a body part, organ, or cavity for medicinal or hygienic purposes.
[2] the application of such a jet.
[3] an instrument, as a syringe, for administering it.
[4] a bath administered by such a jet.
[5] Slang : Vulgar . douche bag(def 2) .
[6] to apply a douche to.
[7] to use a douche or douches; undergo douching.
[8] a stream of water or air directed onto the body surface or into a body cavity, for cleansing or medical purposes
[9] the application of such a stream of water or air
[10] an instrument, such as a special syringe, for applying a douche
[11] to cleanse or treat or be cleansed or treated by means of a douche
Words related to Douche
shower, tub, dive, plunge, permeate, impregnate, suffuse, soak, wash, pervade, douse, infuse, penetrate, imbue, steep, immerse, drench, cleanse, rinse, expel
Words nearby Douche
doubtless, douc, douce, douceperes, douceur, douche, douche bag, douchebag, doug, dough, dough bird
Origin of Douche
1675–85; < French < Italian doccia water pipe, back formation from doccione drainpipe (where -one was taken as augmentative suffix) < Latin ductiōn- (stem of ductiō ) drawing off, conveying (water), equivalent to duct(us ), past participle of dūcere (see ductile) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Douche
un·douched , adjective
Word origin for Douche
C18: from French, from Italian doccia, pipe; related to Latin ductus duct
Synonyms for Douche
shower, tub, ablution, cleansing, dip, dousing, gargle, laving, scrubbing, soak, soaking, soaping, sponging, wash