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Showing words for DOUGHY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Doughy
5 Letter Words for Doughy
4 Letter Words for Doughy
3 Letter Words for Doughy
Definitions for Doughy
[1] of or like dough, especially in being soft and heavy or pallid and flabby: a doughy consistency; a fat, doughy face.
[2] resembling dough in consistency, colour, etc; soft, pallid, or flabby
Words related to Doughy
silky, comfortable, elastic, pliable, smooth, fluffy, spongy, comfy, rounded, plastic, creamy, thin, easy, mushy, flexible, supple, delicate, velvety, weak, fat
Words nearby Doughy
doughfoot, doughnut, doughnut hole, dought, doughty, doughy, douglas, douglas bag, douglas cul-de-sac, douglas fir, douglas hurd
Origin of Doughy
First recorded in 1595–1605; dough + -y1
Other words from Doughy
dough·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Doughy
blanched, bleached, dim, dull, faded, faint, gray, haggard, pasty, poor, sallow, sick, thin, wan, white, anemic, ashen, ashy, bloodless, cadaverous, colorless, deathlike, feeble, ghastly, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, insubstantial, livid, lurid, pallid, sickly, spectral, unsubstantial, washed-out, waxen, waxlike, weak, whitish