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Showing words for DOWNFALLEN using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Downfallen


9 Letter Words for Downfallen


8 Letter Words for Downfallen

downfall, fallowed

7 Letter Words for Downfallen

allowed, dewfall, elfland, ellwand, fannell, fenland, flanned, flannel, lowland, nondeaf

6 Letter Words for Downfallen

deflow, delawn, dowlne, enfold, enodal, enwall, fallen, fallow, fanned, fannel, fawned, fellon, fellow, feodal, flawed, flowed, foaled, folden, fondle, fonned, fowled, lawned, lennow, loaden, loafed, loaned, lowned, nalfon, nandow, onfall, walled, wandle, wanned, wannel, wolfed, wolfen, wonned

5 Letter Words for Downfallen

adolf, adown, aflow, alden, aldol, allen, allod, allow, aloed, alone, alowe, anend, anode, anole, awned, dalle, dawen, delaw, della, dewal, dewan, donna, donne, dowel, dowle, downa, dwale, dwell, eland, ellan, endow, faden, fanon, fella, felon, flane, flawn, fload, flowe, flown, fonda, laden, ladle, lande, lawed, ledol, lenad, llano, loden, lowan, lowed, lownd, lowne, naled, nawle, nodal, nolle, nonda, nowed, nowel, odell, olden, olena, onned, owled, owned, waldo, waled, waned, wanle, weald, woald, wodan, woden, wonna

4 Letter Words for Downfallen

aden, adon, alef, alen, alew, allo, alod, aloe, alow, anew, anne, anno, anon, anow, awdl, awed, dale, dalf, dalo, dane, dawe, dawn, deaf, deal, dean, deaw, delf, dell, doen, dola, dole, dolf, doll, dona, done, dowf, dowl, down, elan, elod, endo, enol, enow, eoan, fade, fado, fall, fand, fane, fano, faon, fawe, fawn, feal, fedn, fell, fend, feod, flan, flaw, flea, fled, flew, floe, flon, flow, foal, foen, fold, fole, foll, fond, fone, fowl, lade, laen, lalo, land, lane, lawn, lead, leaf, leal, lean, leda, lena, lend, leno, leon, lewd, load, loaf, loan, lode, loed, lond, lone, lowa, lowe, lown, nael, nale, nane, neaf, neal, neon, node, noel, nold, nole, noll, nona, none, nowl, nown, odal, odea, odel, olea, olla, owed, wade, wald, wale, wall, wand, wane, weal, wean, weld, well, wend, woad, woan, wode, wold, wolf, wone

3 Letter Words for Downfallen

ade, ado, afd, ald, ale, alf, all, aln, alo, alw, and, ane, ann, awd, awe, awl, awn, dae, dal, dan, dao, daw, dea, def, del, den, dew, dle, dna, doa, doe, dol, don, dow, ead, ean, edo, efl, ela, eld, elf, ell, end, enl, eof, eon, fad, fan, fao, faw, fed, fen, few, fld, fll, flo, fod, foe, fol, fon, fow, fwd, lad, lan, lao, law, ldl, lea, led, leo, lew, lld, loa, lod, loe, lof, low, lwl, nad, nae, naf, naw, nea, ned, nef, neo, new, nne, nnw, noa, nod, nol, non, now, oad, oaf, oda, ode, ola, old, ole, ona, one, owd, owe, owl, own, wad, wae, waf, wan, wed, wef, wen, woa, wod, woe, won

Definitions for Downfallen

[1] descent to a lower position or standing; overthrow; ruin.
[2] something causing ruin, failure, etc.: Liquor was his downfall.
[3] a fall, as of rain, snow, or the like, often sudden or heavy.
[4] a trap using a falling weight for killing, injuring, or imprisoning the prey.
[5] (of a building, etc) decrepit
[6] mainly US (of a person) ruined; fallen
[7] a sudden loss of position, health, or reputation
[8] a fall of rain, snow, etc, esp a sudden heavy one
[9] another word for deadfall

Words nearby Downfallen

downfalldowndraught, downer, downers grove, downey, downey cell, downfall, downfallen, downfield, downforce, downgrade, downgrowth

Origin of Downfallen

Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at down1, fall

Other words from Downfallen

down·fall·en , adjective