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Showing words for DRENCHED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Drenched
6 Letter Words for Drenched
5 Letter Words for Drenched
4 Letter Words for Drenched
3 Letter Words for Drenched
Definitions for Drenched
[1] to wet thoroughly; soak.
[2] to saturate by immersion in a liquid; steep.
[3] to cover or fill completely; bathe: trees drenched with sunlight.
[4] Veterinary Medicine . to administer a draft of medicine to (an animal), especially by force: to drench a horse.
[5] Archaic . to cause to drink.
[6] the act of drenching.
[7] something that drenches: a drench of rain.
[8] a preparation for drenching or steeping.
[9] a solution, especially one of fermenting bran, for drenching hides or skins.
[10] a large drink or draft.
[11] a draft of medicine, especially one administered to an animal by force.
[12] Horticulture . a mixture of pesticide and water applied to the soil surrounding a plant.
[13] to make completely wet; soak
[14] to give liquid medicine to (an animal), esp by force
[15] the act or an instance of drenching
[16] a dose of liquid medicine given to an animal
Words related to Drenched
drenchinundate, soak, deluge, saturate, drown, douse, submerge, impregnate, steep, immerse, dunk, souse, teem, flood, pour, sop, seethe, duck, dip, imbrue
Words nearby Drenched
drenchdreigh, dreikanter, dreiser, dreiser, theodore, drek, drench, drenthe, drepanid, drepanocyte, drepanocytic anemia, drepanocytosis
Origin of Drenched
before 900; Middle English drenchen, Old English drencan, causative of drincan to drink; cognate with Dutch drenken, German tränken to water, give to drink
Other words from Drenched
drench·er , noun
drench·ing·ly , adverb
un·drenched , adjective
Word origin for Drenched
Old English drencan to cause to drink; related to Old High German trenken
Synonyms for Drenched
deluge, douse, drown, immerse, impregnate, inundate, saturate, soak, steep, submerge, dip, duck, dunk, flood, imbrue, pour, seethe, sop, souse, teem, sodden