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Showing words for DRIPPING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Dripping
7 Letter Words for Dripping
6 Letter Words for Dripping
5 Letter Words for Dripping
4 Letter Words for Dripping
3 Letter Words for Dripping
Definitions for Dripping
[1] the act of something that drips.
[2] Often drippings. the liquid that drips. fat and juices exuded from meat in cooking, used for basting, for making gravy, or as a cooking fat.
[3] to let drops fall; shed drops: This faucet drips.
[4] to fall in drops, as a liquid.
[5] to let fall in drops.
[6] an act of dripping.
[7] liquid that drips.
[8] the sound made by falling drops: the irritating drip of a faucet.
[9] Slang . an unattractive, boring, or colorless person.
[10] (in house painting) the accumulation of solidified drops of paint at the bottom of a painted surface.
[11] Architecture , Building Trades . any device, as a molding, for shedding rain water to keep it from running down a wall, falling onto the sill of an opening, etc.
[12] a pipe for draining off condensed steam from a radiator, heat exchanger, etc.
[13] Medicine/Medical . intravenous drip.
[14] Slang . maudlin sentimentality.
[15] the fat exuded by roasting meat
[16] (often plural) liquid that falls in drops
[17] (intensifier) dripping wet
[18] to fall or let fall in drops
[19] the formation and falling of drops of liquid
[20] the sound made by falling drops
[21] architect a projection at the front lower edge of a sill or cornice designed to throw water clear of the wall below
[22] informal an inane, insipid person
[23] med the usually intravenous drop-by-drop administration of a therapeutic solution, as of salt or sugar the solution administered the equipment used to administer a solution in this way
Words related to Dripping
sprinkle, plop, rain, drizzle, filter, splash, weep, exude, dribble, trill
Words nearby Dripping
drip painting, drip-dry, drip-feed, dripless, drippage, dripping, dripping pan, drippy, dripstone, dript, drisheen
Origin of Dripping
before 1000; Middle English dryppe, Old English dryppan; cf. drop
Other words from Dripping
non·drip , adjective
Word origin for Dripping
Old English dryppan, from dropa drop
Synonyms for Dripping
dribble, drizzle, exude, filter, plop, rain, splash, sprinkle, trill, weep