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Showing words for DUBIOUS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Dubious
5 Letter Words for Dubious
4 Letter Words for Dubious
3 Letter Words for Dubious
Definitions for Dubious
[1] doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt: a dubious reply.
[2] of doubtful quality or propriety; questionable: a dubious compliment; a dubious transaction.
[3] of uncertain outcome: in dubious battle.
[4] wavering or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt.
[5] marked by or causing doubt a dubious reply
[6] unsettled in mind; uncertain; doubtful
[7] of doubtful quality; untrustworthy a dubious reputation
[8] not certain in outcome
Words related to Dubious
questionable, skeptical, unclear, uncertain, equivocal, hesitant, improbable, problematic, shady, suspicious, arguable, fishy, unreliable, unsure, reluctant, debatable, unconvinced, ambiguous, doubtful, chancy
Words nearby Dubious
dubhe, dubiety, dubin johnson syndrome, dubinsky, dubiosity, dubious, dubitable, dubitation, dubitative, dublin, dublin bay prawn
Origin of Dubious
1540–50; < Latin dubius; see -ous
Other words from Dubious
du·bi·ous·ly , adverb
du·bi·ous·ness , noun
su·per·du·bi·ous , adjective
su·per·du·bi·ous·ly , adverb
su·per·du·bi·ous·ness , noun
un·du·bi·ous , adjective
un·du·bi·ous·ly , adverb
un·du·bi·ous·ness , noun
Word origin for Dubious
C16: from Latin dubius wavering
Synonyms for Dubious
arguable, debatable, equivocal, fishy, hesitant, improbable, problematic, questionable, reluctant, shady, skeptical, suspicious, uncertain, unclear, unconvinced, unreliable, unsure, chancy, diffident, disputable, dubitable, far-fetched, fly-by-night, iffy, indecisive, moot, mootable, open, perplexed, suspect, touch and go, trustless, unassured, undecided, undependable, unlikely, untrustworthy, untrusty, wavering