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Showing words for DUBITABLE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Dubitable


8 Letter Words for Dubitable


7 Letter Words for Dubitable

abluted, audible, baetuli, bitable, libated, tabbied

6 Letter Words for Dubitable

ablude, ablute, albeit, albite, audile, babied, bailed, baited, baltei, batule, bauble, beauti, bebait, bedaub, belaid, belaud, betail, betula, bilabe, bletia, bliaut, bludie, bubale, budlet, bulbed, butled, dabble, dablet, dautie, deblai, detail, diable, dibble, dietal, dilate, dilute, dultie, edital, labite, libate, libbed, libbet, tabbed, tabled, tabule, tailed, tebbad, tubbal, tubbed, tubbie, tuladi, utible

5 Letter Words for Dubitable

abide, abied, abled, ablet, adieu, adlet, adult, ailed, aleut, aliet, alite, atule, audit, babel, bable, babul, baile, baled, balei, balti, balut, bated, batel, bauld, beati, beaut, bebat, bedub, beild, belat, betid, bible, bidet, bield, bited, blade, blate, blaud, bleat, blibe, blite, blude, blued, bluet, bluid, bubal, build, built, butea, butle, dalet, datil, daube, dault, dealt, debat, debit, debut, delit, delta, dital, duali, dubba, dulia, eliad, ideal, ideta, laeti, lated, laude, lieut, lited, lubed, lutea, luted, tabel, tabid, table, taled, taube, tauld, telia, tidal, tilde, tiled, tubae, tubal, tubba, tubed, tudel, utile

4 Letter Words for Dubitable

abbe, abed, abel, abet, abib, abid, abit, able, abut, adet, adit, aide, aiel, aile, aitu, albe, ated, atle, atli, aube, aute, babe, bade, bail, bait, bald, bale, bali, balu, bate, baud, baul, bdle, bead, beal, beat, beau, bedu, bela, beld, belt, beta, bibl, bida, bide, bile, bite, blab, blad, blae, blat, blea, bleb, bled, blet, bleu, blit, blue, bual, buat, buba, buda, bude, bulb, bult, bute, dabb, dail, dale, dali, dalt, date, daub, daut, deal, debt, deia, deil, deli, delt, deti, deul, dial, dieb, diel, diet, dita, dite, dual, dubb, duel, duet, duit, dule, dult, eadi, edit, eila, eild, etua, etui, euda, idea, idle, ilea, ital, itel, lade, laet, laid, lait, late, lati, laud, lead, leat, leda, leud, lied, lieu, lite, litu, luba, lube, lude, luit, lute, tabi, tade, taed, tael, tail, tald, tale, tali, tead, teal, teil, tela, teld, teli, tide, tied, tile, tuba, tube, tula, tule, udal, ulta, utai, util

3 Letter Words for Dubitable

abb, abd, abl, abt, abu, ade, aid, ail, ait, alb, ald, ale, alt, ate, aud, aul, bab, bad, bae, bai, bal, bat, bbl, bde, bdl, bed, bel, bet, bib, bid, bit, bld, blt, btl, btu, bub, bud, bul, but, dab, dae, dal, dat, dau, dbl, dea, deb, dei, del, det, dia, dib, die, dil, dit, dle, dub, due, dui, ead, eat, eau, ebb, ela, elb, eld, eli, elt, eta, iba, ida, ide, ile, ita, itd, iud, lab, lad, lai, lat, lea, led, lei, let, leu, lib, lid, lie, lit, ltd, lub, lud, lue, lut, tab, tad, tai, tal, tau, tea, ted, tel, tib, tid, tie, til, tiu, tua, tub, tue, tui, ubi, uit, ula, ule, ult, uta, ute, uti

Definitions for Dubitable

[1] open to doubt; doubtful; uncertain.
[2] open to doubt

Words related to Dubitable

borderline, chancy, clouded, dubious, equivocal, iffy, inconclusive, indecisive, indeterminate, questionable, shady, suspicious, uncertain, unclear, unsure

Words nearby Dubitable

dubiety, dubin johnson syndrome, dubinsky, dubiosity, dubious, dubitable, dubitation, dubitative, dublin, dublin bay prawn, dubliner

Origin of Dubitable

1615–25; < Latin dubitābilis, equivalent to dubitā(re ) to doubt + -bilis -ble

Other words from Dubitable

du·bi·ta·bly , adverb

Word origin for Dubitable

C17: from Latin dubitāre to doubt

Synonyms for Dubitable

borderline, chancy, clouded, doubtable, dubious, equivocal, iffy, in doubt, in question, inconclusive, indecisive, indeterminate, questionable, shady, suspicious, uncertain, unclear, unsure