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Showing words for DUCT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Duct
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Definitions for Duct
[1] any tube, canal, pipe, or conduit by which a fluid, air, or other substance is conducted or conveyed.
[2] Anatomy , Zoology . a tube, canal, or vessel conveying a body fluid, especially a glandular secretion or excretion.
[3] Botany . a cavity or vessel formed by elongated cells or by many cells.
[4] Electricity . a single enclosed runway for conductors or cables.
[5] Printing . (in a press) the reservoir for ink.
[6] to convey or channel by means of a duct or ducts: Heat from the oven is ducted to the outside.
[7] a tube, pipe, or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed
[8] any bodily passage, esp one conveying secretions or excretions
[9] a narrow tubular cavity in plants, often containing resin or some other substance
[10] Also called: conduit a channel or pipe carrying electric cable or wires
[11] a passage through which air can flow, as in air conditioning
[12] the ink reservoir in a printing press
Words related to Duct
conduit, tube, canal, funnel, aqueduct, passage, course, watercourse, vessel
Words nearby Duct
duckweed, duckwheat, ducky, ducommun, ducrey's bacillus, duct, duct keel, duct tape, ductal carcinoma in situ, ductile, ducting
Origin of Duct
1640–50; < Latin ductus conveyance (of water), hence channel (in ML), equivalent to duc- (variant stem of dūcere to lead) + -tus suffix of verbal action
Other words from Duct
duct·less , adjective
duct•al adj.
Word origin for Duct
C17: from Latin ductus a leading (in Medieval Latin: aqueduct), from dūcere to lead
Synonyms for Duct
conduit, tube, aqueduct, canal, course, funnel, passage, vessel, watercourse