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Showing words for DUIKER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Duiker
5 Letter Words for Duiker
4 Letter Words for Duiker
3 Letter Words for Duiker
Definitions for Duiker
[1] any of several small African antelopes of the Cephalophus, Sylvicapra, and related genera, the males and often the females having short, spikelike horns: some are endangered.
[2] Also called: duikerbok (ˈdaɪkəbɒk ) any small antelope of the genera Cephalophus and Sylvicapra, occurring throughout Africa south of the Sahara, having short straight backward-pointing horns, pointed hooves, and an arched back
[3] Southern African any of several cormorants, esp the long-tailed shag (Phalacrocorax africanus )
Words nearby Duiker
dugout, duh, duhamel, duhring's disease, dui, duiker, duikerbok, duino elegies, duisburg, duisenberg, duit
Origin of Duiker
1770–80; < Afrikaans, Dutch duiker diver, equivalent to duiken to dive (see duck2) + -er -er1
Word origin for Duiker
C18: via Afrikaans from Dutch duiker diver, from duiken to dive; see duck ²