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Showing words for DUMB using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Dumb
3 Letter Words for Dumb
Definitions for Dumb
[1] lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted.
[2] lacking the power of speech (offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal.
[3] temporarily unable to speak: dumb with astonishment.
[4] refraining from any or much speech; silent.
[5] made, done, etc., without speech.
[6] lacking some usual property, characteristic, etc.
[7] performed in pantomime; mimed.
[8] Computers . pertaining to the inability to do processing locally: A dumb terminal can input, output, and display data, but cannot process it. Compare intelligent(def 4) .
[9] Nautical . (of a barge) without means of propulsion. (of any craft) without means of propulsion, steering, or signaling.
[10] dumb down , Informal . to make or become less intellectual, simpler, or less sophisticated: to dumb down a textbook; American movies have dumbed down.
[11] lacking the power to speak, either because of defects in the vocal organs or because of hereditary deafness
[12] lacking the power of human speech dumb animals
[13] temporarily lacking or bereft of the power to speak struck dumb
[14] refraining from speech; uncommunicative
[15] producing no sound; silent a dumb piano
[16] made, done, or performed without speech
[17] informal slow to understand; dim-witted foolish; stupid See also dumb down
[18] (of a projectile or bomb) not guided to its target
Words related to Dumb
speechless, foolish, dull, inarticulate, incoherent, mousy, mum, mute, quiet, silent, soundless, tongue-tied, uncommunicative, voiceless, wordless, dense, dim-witted, feebleminded, moronic, thick
Words nearby Dumb
dum vivimus, vivamus, dum-dum, duma, dumaguete, dumas, dumb, dumb ague, dumb barter, dumb bid, dumb bunny, dumb cane
Origin of Dumb
before 1000; Old English; cognate with Old Norse dumbr, Gothic dumbs, Old Saxon dumb, Old High German tump, German dumm
Other words from Dumb
dumb·ly , adverb
dumb·ness , noun
qua·si-dumb , adjective
qua·si-dumb·ly , adverb
Word origin for Dumb
Old English; related to Old Norse dumbr, Gothic dumbs, Old High German tump
Synonyms for Dumb
speechless, at a loss for words, inarticulate, incoherent, mousy, mum, mute, quiet, silent, soundless, tongue-tied, uncommunicative, voiceless, wordless