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Showing words for EARTHENWARE using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Earthenware
9 Letter Words for Earthenware
enwreathe, harrateen, heartener, rehearten, treenware, warrantee, weatherer
8 Letter Words for Earthenware
aweather, enwreath, etherean, harateen, hetaerae, reheater, warantee, waterhen, werehare, wheatear, wreathen, wreather
7 Letter Words for Earthenware
antewar, artware, artwear, athenee, earthen, enheart, enterer, ethrane, hearten, henware, hetaera, naether, narrate, rantree, reaware, reenter, renewer, rentree, rewater, teaware, teheran, terrane, terreen, terrene, traheen, warrant, wartern, waterer, weather, whareer, wheaten, wheneer, whereat, whereer, wherere, wherret, wreathe
6 Letter Words for Earthenware
aerate, aether, aneath, anther, arenae, arhant, arrant, arrent, arthra, athena, athene, atween, awarer, awater, earner, entera, entree, entrer, errant, errata, erthen, eterne, ethane, ethene, ewerer, harare, harten, hearer, heaten, heater, henter, hereat, nather, nearer, neater, nether, ranter, rateen, rather, reearn, rehear, reheat, rehete, renate, rentee, renter, rerate, rerent, retare, retear, retene, rethaw, rether, retree, rewarn, rewear, rhenea, taheen, tearer, teener, teerer, ternar, terner, terran, thawer, thenar, thrawn, threne, wanter, warner, warran, warree, warren, wather, weaner, wearer, weeten, weeter, wehner, weneth, werent, wether, whaten, whatna, whatre, wheare, wreath, wrethe
5 Letter Words for Earthenware
ahent, anear, antae, antar, antra, antre, arawn, areae, arear, arena, arent, arere, arete, arhar, arhat, arnee, arrah, arret, arrha, artar, arter, artha, athar, atren, awane, aware, awarn, awhet, awner, earth, eaten, eater, eathe, eeten, enate, enhat, entea, enter, entre, ether, etwee, harre, hater, hawer, heare, heart, herne, hewer, narra, narre, nathe, neath, neter, newer, ranee, ratan, rater, ratha, rathe, ratwa, rawer, reata, reate, renet, renew, rente, reran, reree, retan, retar, rethe, rewan, rewet, rewth, rheen, tahar, tanha, tarea, tarre, tawer, teene, tehee, terna, terne, terra, terre, tewer, thana, thane, thawn, theer, there, thrae, thraw, three, threw, treen, tween, tweer, twere, waner, warer, warnt, warth, water, weent, weete, wehee, weren, whare, whart, whata, whear, wheat, wheen, wheer, where, wrate, wrath, wreat
4 Letter Words for Earthenware
anat, anet, anew, anre, anta, ante, arar, area, aren, aret, arew, arna, arte, atar, awat, awee, earn, eath, enew, entr, erat, erer, erne, erth, eten, ethe, etna, ewer, ewte, haar, haen, hant, hare, harn, harr, hart, hate, hear, heat, heer, hent, hera, here, hern, herr, hert, hete, hewe, hewt, hwan, nare, narr, narw, natr, nawt, near, neat, neer, neet, nete, neth, newt, rana, rane, rant, rara, rare, rata, rate, rath, rawn, rean, rear, reen, reet, rent, rete, rhea, rhet, taar, taen, taha, tahr, tana, tane, tanh, tara, tare, tarn, tarr, tawa, tawn, tean, tear, teen, teer, tehr, tene, tera, tern, terr, thae, than, thar, thaw, thea, thee, then, thew, trah, tree, trew, trna, twae, twee, waar, wane, want, ware, warn, wart, wate, wath, wean, wear, ween, weer, weet, wene, went, were, wert, weta, whan, whar, what, whee, when, whet, wran, wren, wrnt
3 Letter Words for Earthenware
aah, aer, aha, ana, ane, ant, ara, are, arn, arr, art, ate, awa, awe, awn, ean, ear, eat, een, eer, ene, era, ere, ern, err, ert, eta, eth, ewe, ewt, hae, han, hat, haw, hee, hen, her, het, hew, hwt, naa, nae, nah, nar, nat, naw, nea, nee, net, new, nth, rah, ran, rat, raw, rea, ree, reh, rew, rha, rhe, rna, rte, rtw, taa, tan, tar, taw, tea, tee, ten, ter, tew, tha, the, tra, twa, wae, wah, wan, war, wat, wee, wen, wer, wet, wha, whr
Definitions for Earthenware
[1] pottery of baked or hardened clay, especially any of the coarse, opaque varieties.
[2] clay for making such pottery.
[3] vessels, etc, made of baked clay (as adjective ) an earthenware pot
Words related to Earthenware
Words nearby Earthenware
earth-shattering, eartha, earthborn, earthbound, earthen, earthenware, earthlight, earthling, earthly, earthman, earthmover
Origin of Earthenware
First recorded in 1640–50; earthen + ware1