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Showing words for EDINBURGH using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Edinburgh


7 Letter Words for Edinburgh

bhunder, breding, brigued, bringed, dungier, herding, unhired

6 Letter Words for Edinburgh

bedrug, bedung, begird, beguin, behind, behung, bering, bhungi, binder, binged, binger, bridge, brigue, brined, brunei, budger, budgie, bunder, bunged, bunger, bungie, burden, burdie, buried, burned, burnie, dering, dinger, diurne, dreigh, drengh, driegh, dunger, durgen, during, eburin, engird, engrid, gerund, girned, greund, gruine, guider, guinde, gundie, gurned, herbid, hinder, hinged, hinger, hunder, hunger, hurden, inbred, indure, inured, nighed, nigher, nudger, rebind, redbug, reding, rehung, ringed, rubied, rubine, rueing, rugine, ruined, unbred, ungird, ungrid, unherd, unhide, unride, urined

5 Letter Words for Edinburgh

bedin, bedur, begin, begun, being, bergh, berun, bider, binge, birde, birne, biune, bredi, bride, brine, bring, brugh, bruin, brune, brung, budge, bugre, bundh, burge, burgh, burin, debug, deign, derib, derig, dheri, digne, digue, diner, dinge, dirge, diurn, dreng, drung, duing, egrid, ehing, enrib, ering, gebur, gibed, giber, giher, gnide, grein, gride, grind, grued, guide, gundi, hider, hindu, hinge, hired, hiren, huger, hundi, inger, inrub, inure, nehru, neigh, nidge, niger, nuder, nudge, nudie, rebid, rebud, redig, redub, redug, regin, rehid, reign, rendu, renig, rhein, rhine, riden, ridge, ringe, rubin, rudge, rudie, ruing, runed, unbed, unbid, under, undig, unhid, unred, unrid, unrig, ureid, urged, urine, urned

4 Letter Words for Edinburgh

bedu, behn, bein, bend, beng, beni, berg, bern, bide, bien, bier, bind, bine, bing, binh, bird, birn, bred, brei, brid, brie, brig, brin, bude, buhr, bund, bung, burd, bure, burg, burh, buri, burn, dbrn, degu, deni, dern, dieb, dier, dine, ding, dire, dreg, drib, drie, drub, drug, duer, dune, dung, durn, eigh, engr, erin, erub, eugh, gein, geir, genu, gerb, gibe, gied, gien, gird, gire, girn, gneu, gren, grid, grin, grub, grue, grun, gude, guhr, guib, guid, gurn, heid, heir, hend, heng, herb, herd, hern, hide, hied, hind, hine, hing, hire, hued, huer, huge, hund, hung, ibrd, idun, inbd, inbe, inde, ired, iure, nerd, nide, nied, nigh, nude, nurd, regd, rein, rend, rgen, ribe, ride, rind, rine, ring, rube, rude, rued, ruen, ruin, rund, rune, rung, unbe, unde, unie, urde, urge

3 Letter Words for Edinburgh

bde, bed, beg, ben, ber, bhd, bid, big, bin, bud, bug, bun, bur, deb, deg, dei, den, der, dhu, dib, die, dig, din, dir, dub, due, dug, duh, dui, dun, dur, ebn, edh, eir, end, eng, erd, erg, ern, geb, ged, gen, ger, gib, gid, gie, gin, gnu, gub, gud, gue, gui, gun, gur, hed, hei, hen, her, hid, hie, hin, hir, hub, hud, hue, hug, hui, hun, ide, ign, ind, ing, ire, iud, nbe, nbg, neb, ned, neg, nei, nib, nid, nie, nig, nub, nur, rbi, reb, red, reg, reh, rei, rhb, rhd, rhe, rib, rid, rie, rig, rin, rnd, rub, rud, rue, rug, run, ubi, ugh, unb, ung, unh, uni, urb, urd, ure, urn

Definitions for Edinburgh

[1] Duke of. Philip(def 4) .
[2] a city in and the capital of Scotland, in the SE part: administrative center of the Lothian region.
[3] a division of the United Kingdom in the N part of Great Britain. 30,412 sq. mi. (78,772 sq. km). Capital : Edinburgh.
[4] the capital of Scotland and seat of the Scottish Parliament (from 1999), in City of Edinburgh council area on the S side of the Firth of Forth: became the capital in the 15th century; castle; three universities (including University of Edinburgh, 1583); commercial and cultural centre, noted for its annual festival. Pop: 430 082 (2001)
[5] City of a council area in central Scotland, created from part of Lothian region in 1996. Pop: 448 370 (2003 est). Area: 262 sq km (101 sq miles)
[6] Duke of, title of Prince Philip Mountbatten. born 1921, husband of Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
[7] a country that is part of the United Kingdom, occupying the north of Great Britain: the English and Scottish thrones were united under one monarch in 1603 and the parliaments in 1707: a separate Scottish parliament was established in 1999. Scotland consists of the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands, and hilly uplands in the south; has a deeply indented coastline, about 800 offshore islands (mostly in the west), and many lochs. Capital: Edinburgh. Pop: 5 057 400 (2003 est). Area: 78 768 sq km (30 412 sq miles) Related adjectives: Scots, Caledonian, Scottish