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Showing words for EDITOR using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Editor
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3 Letter Words for Editor
Definitions for Editor
[1] a person having managerial and sometimes policy-making responsibility related to the writing, compilation, and revision of content for a publishing firm or for a newspaper, magazine, or other publication: She was offered a managing editor position at a small press.
[2] the supervisor or manager of a department of a newspaper, magazine, etc.: the sports editor of a newspaper.
[3] a person who edits, or selects and revises, material for publications, films, etc.: a video editor; the editor of an online journal.
[4] a device for viewing, cutting, and editing film or magnetic tape to make movies, audio recordings, etc.
[5] Computers . a program used for writing and revising code, data, or text: an XML editor.
[6] a person who edits written material for publication
[7] a person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical
[8] a person in charge of one section of a newspaper or periodical the sports editor
[9] films a person who makes a selection and arrangement of individual shots in order to construct the flowing sequence of images for a film a device for editing film, including a viewer and a splicer
[10] television radio a person in overall control of a programme that consists of various items, such as a news or magazine style programme
[11] a computer program that facilitates the deletion or insertion of data within information already stored in a computer
Words related to Editor
proofreader, copyreader, newspaperwoman, copyholder, newspaperman, reviser, deskman
Words nearby Editor
edith, edith cavell, editio princeps, edition, edition binding, editor, editor in chief, editorial, editorial we, editorialize, editorship
Origin of Editor
1640–50; < Medieval Latin, Late Latin: publisher; see edit, -tor
Word origin for Editor
C17: from Late Latin: producer, exhibitor, from ēdere to give out, publish, from ē- out + dāre to give
Synonyms for Editor
copyholder, copyreader, deskman, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, proofreader, reviser, rewriter, blue-penciler, rewrite man, rewrite woman