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Showing words for EFFECTS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Effects
6 Letter Words for Effects
5 Letter Words for Effects
4 Letter Words for Effects
3 Letter Words for Effects
Definitions for Effects
[1] goods; movables; personal property.
[2] something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin.
[3] power to produce results; efficacy; force; validity; influence: His protest had no effect.
[4] the state of being operative or functional; operation or execution; accomplishment or fulfillment: to bring a plan into effect.
[5] a mental or emotional impression produced, as by a painting or a speech.
[6] meaning or sense; purpose or intention: She disapproved of the proposal and wrote to that effect.
[7] the making of a desired impression: We had the feeling that the big, expensive car was only for effect.
[8] an illusory phenomenon: a three-dimensional effect.
[9] a real phenomenon (usually named for its discoverer): the Doppler effect.
[10] special effects.
[11] to produce as an effect; bring about; accomplish; make happen: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.
[12] Also called: personal effects personal property or belongings
[13] lighting, sounds, etc, to accompany and enhance a stage, film, or broadcast production
[14] something that is produced by a cause or agent; result
[15] power or ability to influence or produce a result; efficacy with no effect
[16] the condition of being operative (esp in the phrases in or into effect ) the law comes into effect at midnight
[17] take effect to become operative or begin to produce results
[18] basic meaning or purpose (esp in the phrase to that effect )
[19] an impression, usually one that is artificial or contrived (esp in the phrase for effect )
[20] a scientific phenomenon the Doppler effect
[21] in effect in fact; actually for all practical purposes
[22] the overall impression or result the effect of a painting
[23] (tr) to cause to occur; bring about; accomplish
Words related to Effects
goods, paraphernalia, things, stuff, property, trappings
Words nearby Effects
effective renal plasma flow, effective resistance, effective sound pressure, effective temperature, effector, effects, effectual, effectually, effectuate, effeminacy, effeminate
Origin of Effects
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin effectus the carrying out (of a task, etc.), hence, that which is achieved, outcome, equivalent to effec- (variant stem of efficere to make, carry out; ef- ef- + -ficere, combining form of facere to do1) + -tus suffix of v. action
Words that may be confused with Effects
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, effectaffect, effect, (see, usage, note, at, affect1)
Other words from Effects
ef·fect·i·ble , adjective
pre·ef·fect , noun, verb (used with object)
un·ef·fect·ed , adjective
un·ef·fect·i·ble , adjective
well-ef·fect·ed , adjective
ef•fect′ i•ble adj.
Word origin for Effects
C14: from Latin effectus a performing, tendency, from efficere to accomplish, from facere to do
Synonyms for Effects
accouterments, chattels, goods, holdings, paraphernalia, possessions, property, stuff, things, trappings