11 Letter Words for Effectually
9 Letter Words for Effectually
effectual, fatefully
8 Letter Words for Effectually
facetely, fleetful, fullface
7 Letter Words for Effectually
acutely, cytulae, ectally, efflate, electly, factful, faculty, fateful, feculae, fellate, fleetly, flyleaf, leaflet, lectual, taleful, teecall
6 Letter Words for Effectually
acetyl, affect, afflue, allect, alulet, aulete, autecy, caffle, calefy, callet, cateye, caufle, cautel, cellae, cuffle, cullay, cullet, cutely, cytula, efface, effate, effect, eluate, eyalet, eyeful, facete, faucet, faufel, faulty, fealty, featly, fecula, flatly, fleecy, fluate, flutey, fucate, lactyl, lately, lealty, leeful, leucyl, luteal, lyceal, taffle, yaffle
5 Letter Words for Effectually
acute, afley, aleft, aleut, aleye, alfet, allee, alley, ately, atlee, atule, aylet, ayllu, calef, catel, cella, cetyl, claut, claye, cleat, cleft, cluff, cuffy, culet, culla, cully, cutey, eclat, ectal, effet, elate, elayl, elect, elute, facet, facty, fally, fatly, fault, faute, featy, fecal, feely, fella, felly, felty, fetal, feute, fleay, flect, fleet, fluey, flute, fluty, fluyt, flyte, fully, lacet, lacey, leafy, lefte, lefty, leyte, lucet, luffa, lutea, lycae, lycea, lycee, taffy, talcy, tally, teaey, telly, tuffe, tulle, tully
4 Letter Words for Effectually
acle, aclu, actu, acyl, afft, affy, alce, alec, alee, alef, ally, atef, atle, aute, cafe, caff, calf, call, cate, cauf, caul, cele, cell, celt, cete, clat, clay, clee, clef, clue, cuff, cull, cult, cute, cuya, cyte, cyul, eale, eely, elec, elle, elul, etua, face, fact, facy, fall, fate, faut, feal, feat, feel, feet, fele, fell, felt, feta, fete, flat, flay, flea, flee, flet, fley, flue, fuel, fula, full, fute, fuye, fyce, fyle, lace, lacy, laet, laff, laft, late, lauf, leaf, leal, leat, lect, leef, leet, left, lete, luce, lucy, luff, lute, lyte, tace, tael, talc, tale, tall, teal, teca, teel, teff, tela, tele, tell, tufa, tuff, tula, tule, tyee, ulla, ulta, yaff, yale, yalu, yate, yeat, yeel, yell, yelt, yeta, yuca, yuft, yule
3 Letter Words for Effectually
ace, act, acy, aff, aft, alc, ale, alf, all, alt, aly, ate, auf, aul, aye, ayu, caf, cal, cat, cay, cee, cel, cly, cte, ctf, cue, cul, cut, cyl, eat, eau, ect, ecu, eec, eel, eff, efl, eft, ela, elf, ell, elt, eta, etc, ety, eye, eyl, fac, fat, fay, fcy, fec, fee, fet, feu, fey, ffa, fll, flt, flu, fly, fut, lac, lat, lay, lca, lea, lee, let, leu, ley, lue, lut, lyc, lye, tal, tau, tay, tea, tec, tee, tef, tel, tlc, tua, tue, tuy, tye, uca, uey, ufa, ula, ule, ull, ult, uta, utc, ute, yat, yea, yee, yet, yue
Definitions for Effectually
[1] producing or capable of producing an intended effect; adequate.
[2] valid or binding, as an agreement or document.
[3] with the intended effect; thoroughly
[4] to all practical purposes; in effect
[5] capable of or successful in producing an intended result; effective
[6] (of documents, agreements, etc) having legal force
Words related to Effectually
effectualessentially, nearly, basically, practically, finally, forcefully, completely, definitely, energetically, adequately, dramatically, productively, effectively, successfully, efficaciously, around, fundamentally, implicitly, morally, guesstimate
Words nearby Effectually
effectualeffective resistance, effective sound pressure, effective temperature, effector, effects, effectual, effectually, effectuate, effeminacy, effeminate, effemination
Origin of Effectually
1350–1400; Middle English effectuel (< AF), late Middle English effectual < Medieval Latin effectuālis, equivalent to Latin effectu-, stem of effectus effect + -ālis -al1
Other words from Effectually
ef·fec·tu·al·ly , adverb
ef·fec·tu·al·ness , ef·fec·tu·al·i·ty , noun
pre·ef·fec·tu·al , adjective
pre·ef·fec·tu·al·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Effectually
basically, essentially, nearly, practically, around, as good as, for all intents and purposes, fundamentally, give or take a little, guesstimate, implicitly, in all but name, in effect, in essence, in substance, in the ballpark, in the neighborhood, morally, not absolutely, not actually, something like, upwards of