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Showing words for EFFICIENT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Efficient
8 Letter Words for Efficient
7 Letter Words for Efficient
6 Letter Words for Efficient
5 Letter Words for Efficient
4 Letter Words for Efficient
3 Letter Words for Efficient
Definitions for Efficient
[1] performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable: a reliable, efficient assistant.
[2] satisfactory and economical to use: Our new air conditioner is more efficient than our old one.
[3] producing an effect, as a cause; causative.
[4] utilizing a particular commodity or product with the least waste of resources or effort (usually used in combination): a fuel-efficient engine.
[5] functioning or producing effectively and with the least waste of effort; competent
[6] philosophy producing a direct effect; causative
Words related to Efficient
profitable, productive, useful, energetic, able, capable, skillful, powerful, skilled, dynamic, potent, active, valuable, economical, competent, tough, adequate, decisive, accomplished, adapted
Words nearby Efficient
efficacity, efficacy, efficiency, efficiency apartment, efficiency expert, efficient, efficient cause, effie, effigy, effing, effingham
Origin of Efficient
1350–1400; Middle English (< Middle French ) < Latin efficient- (stem of efficiēns ), equivalent to ef- ef- + fic-, combining form of facere to make, do1 + -ent- -ent
Other words from Efficient
ef·fi·cient·ly , adverb
non·ef·fi·cient , adjective
non·ef·fi·cient·ly , adverb
qua·si-ef·fi·cient , adjective
qua·si-ef·fi·cient·ly , adverb
su·per·ef·fi·cient , adjective
un·ef·fi·cient , adjective
Word origin for Efficient
C14: from Latin efficiēns effecting
Synonyms for Efficient
able, active, adequate, capable, competent, decisive, dynamic, economical, energetic, potent, powerful, productive, profitable, skilled, skillful, tough, useful, valuable, accomplished, adapted, apt, businesslike, clever, conducive, deft, economic, effectual, efficacious, equal to, experienced, expert, familiar with, fitted, good at, good for, handy, masterly, organized, practiced, proficient, qualified, ready, saving, shrewd, systematic, talented, virtuous, well-organized