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Showing words for ELECTROTHERAPY using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Electrotherapy


12 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

electropathy, electrotyper

11 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

archplotter, ceratophyte, electrotype, heteroptera, hyperotreta, perchlorate, teletherapy, tolpatchery

10 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

arthrocele, electorate, etherolate, hepatocele, hepatocyte, heteropter, heterotype, hyperalert, hypocrater, polychaete, preearthly, pretheater, pretrochal, prothetely, pterotheca, receptoral, retolerate, teleophyte, terrycloth, therolater, therolatry, trephocyte, trochleary, trochleate

9 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

aerophyte, aletocyte, archetype, athrocyte, attercrop, catholyte, charlotte, charrette, chatterer, clatterer, correlate, craterlet, creephole, ectophyte, epeolatry, ephoralty, heteroecy, heteroepy, leatherer, lectorate, lectotype, orepearch, parrotlet, percolate, polychete, pothecary, precatory, preclothe, precreate, prehalter, preheater, prelector, prelocate, prerectal, prerelate, pretreaty, procereal, procreate, proletary, protectee, protreaty, pyorrheal, pyrolater, receptary, rectorate, releather, relocatee, reoperate, repletory, replotter, reprotect, reptatory, ropelayer, teacherly, telepathy, telephote, telephoty, teletyper, tetrarchy, theolatry, thyrocele, tracheole, treachery, trochleae, trochlear, typothere

8 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

apothece, archetto, archpoet, artotype, attercop, calotype, calthrop, calypter, calyptro, capretto, caroteel, carterly, catheter, cerotate, cerotype, chapelet, chapelry, chaptrel, chareter, charette, chartlet, chatelet, chattery, cheapery, cheatery, chelator, chlorate, choleate, chortler, clattery, clypeate, coeltera, cohelper, copelate, corelate, coryphee, cotterel, crapette, cytherea, ecttypal, electary, electret, elytrtra, ephorate, erythrol, etcetera, etherate, ethercap, ethereal, ethylate, ettercap, eyepatch, eyereach, halecret, harlotry, heartlet, heartrot, hectorer, hectorly, hetterly, hotplate, latherer, leathery, lecherer, leechery, lepocyta, lepocyte, letorate, letterer, ochreate, operatee, opercele, operetta, operette, palterer, parleyer, patchery, paterero, patterer, peachery, peachlet, pearleye, pectoral, pelterer, perchery, perleche, perorate, petchary, peterero, petrarch, platerer, pleacher, plethora, plethory, plottery, pochette, polyarch, porterly, potecary, potlache, potlatch, potterer, prattler, preacher, prealter, prechart, preclare, preclear, preelect, preerect, prelatry, preroyal, preteach, pretrace, pretreat, protheca, prothyle, protract, pterylae, pyorrhea, raclette, ratchety, ratherly, ratheter, recaptor, recarpet, receptor, reclothe, recreate, rectoral, reheater, reletter, relocate, repartee, repatrol, repealer, repeater, replacer, repreach, reproach, rerepeat, retepore, retroact, rheocrat, rottlera, talepyet, teachery, teacloth, telepath, teleport, teletape, teletype, telotype, tercelet, tetrarch, theocrat, threaper, toeplate, tolerate, tolpatch, toparchy, topechee, torchare, torchere, trachyte, tractory, traphole, treacher, trochart, trochate, trochlea

7 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

acolyte, acolyth, acroter, alerter, alterer, apertly, apocyte, apothec, archeol, archery, archlet, areolet, ateeter, athlete, atrophy, calotte, caloyer, caltrop, capelet, caperer, capette, capreol, caproyl, caroler, carotte, carport, carroty, caterer, cathole, cattery, chaplet, chapote, chapter, charely, charlet, charley, charpoy, charter, chattel, chatter, chayote, cheaper, cheaply, cheatee, cheater, cheatry, cheeper, cheerer, cheerly, cheetal, cheeter, chelate, cholate, cholera, choltry, chorale, choreal, chortle, chrotta, clatter, clearer, clerete, clethra, clotter, coherer, coparty, coperta, correal, corylet, corypha, coryphe, cottrel, cotylar, craylet, creator, creeler, creeper, crottal, crottle, cryptal, cythera, earhole, earthly, ecotype, ecphore, ecphory, ectropy, ectypal, elatery, elector, electra, electre, electro, eophyte, eparchy, ephoral, ephyrae, epochal, erecter, erectly, erector, etherol, eyehole, haltere, haptere, hartely, hattery, heartly, hectare, heelcap, heeltap, helotry, heptace, hetaery, hoptree, hottery, larcher, latcher, latchet, lathery, layette, leacher, leather, lechery, leecher, leptera, loather, lorette, lottery, oathlet, ochreae, ocreate, opaleye, operary, operate, opercle, oracler, orphrey, otterer, paletot, palette, parcher, parolee, paroler, parroty, partlet, partley, partyer, patcher, pathlet, patrole, peacher, pearler, pearlet, pearter, peartly, peatery, pectate, pectora, peletre, peltate, percale, percher, peroral, petrale, petrary, peytral, peytrel, phatter, phorate, phrator, phratry, phytate, platery, platter, pleater, plectra, plectre, plotter, poacher, polacre, polecat, polyact, porcate, porrect, portate, portlet, portray, potcher, pothery, potlach, pottery, praetor, prattle, prattly, preachy, precary, preheal, preheat, prelacy, prelate, prelaty, prelect, prerace, procere, proctal, proette, prolate, prorate, protect, prothyl, protyle, prythee, ptereal, pteryla, pyocele, pyrrole, racette, raploch, ratchel, ratcher, ratchet, rathely, rathole, rattery, rattler, reacher, reactor, realter, rechart, rechate, recheat, recheer, reclear, recoyle, recrate, rectory, reelect, reerect, rehayte, relache, relatch, relater, relayer, reparel, repatch, replace, replate, repleat, replete, reteach, retotal, retrace, retract, retrate, retreat, rettery, rettore, rettory, royalet, taperer, taperly, taphole, tarheel, tartryl, teacher, tealery, tearlet, teather, teetery, teether, telopea, telpath, telpher, tepache, terrace, tethery, tetrole, theater, theatry, thecate, therapy, thereat, thereto, thorter, throaty, toparch, torcher, torchet, torreya, totaler, tracery, trachle, tractor, tratler, treacle, treacly, treatee, treater, treator, treelet, treetop, trochal, trochar, trochee, tropary, tropate, trophal, yachter, ycleepe, yeather

6 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

acetol, acetyl, acheer, achete, achree, achtel, achter, actory, aether, alepot, alerce, alette, apelet, aperch, aptote, archer, archly, areche, areole, arette, arrect, arrope, artery, arthel, artlet, athort, atroce, atterr, attery, calory, caplet, capote, capryl, captor, career, carhop, carlet, carlot, carole, carpel, carper, carpet, carree, carrel, carrot, cartel, carter, cartop, catery, cateye, cathop, cathro, catter, cattle, celery, cepter, ceptor, cerate, cereal, cerote, ceryle, cetera, chalet, chalot, chapel, charer, charet, charro, charry, chatty, cheapo, cheapy, cheare, cheepy, cheero, cheery, chelae, cherry, cherte, cherty, chetty, chlore, choate, choaty, cholee, choler, choral, chorea, choree, chypre, chytra, claret, clarre, clarty, clatty, clayer, clothe, clothy, clotty, cloyer, coaler, coatee, coater, coelar, cohere, cohert, colate, colera, colter, copart, coprah, copter, corral, correl, coryph, cotele, cotery, cottar, cotter, cotyla, cotyle, cotype, craple, crater, crayer, create, creepy, creole, crepey, creply, croape, crotal, crotyl, crypta, crypto, earlet, earthy, eatche, eatery, eathly, ecarte, echoer, echoey, ectopy, ectype, eelery, eelpot, elaphe, elater, elator, elchee, electo, eloper, eltrot, elytra, eparch, ephete, ephyra, epocha, epoche, erthly, etcher, eyalet, eyelet, halper, halter, haptor, harlot, harper, hartly, hatter, healer, heaper, hearer, hearty, heater, hecate, hectar, hector, heeler, helper, hepcat, heptal, heptyl, hereat, herero, hereto, herola, herpet, hetero, hetter, heyrat, horace, horary, horral, horray, hotter, hottle, hyetal, hypate, hyrate, lacert, lacery, lahore, larree, lathee, lather, latter, leachy, leaper, lecher, lector, lecyth, lepero, lerret, letchy, lethee, letter, lettre, loathe, loathy, locate, lorate, lorcha, lotter, lyrate, lyttae, ochery, ochrea, ocreae, octary, oleary, oleate, opelet, operae, operla, optate, orache, oracle, oraler, orchat, orchel, orthal, oyelet, palter, paltry, parcel, parchy, parecy, parley, parlor, paroch, parole, parrel, parrot, parter, partly, patchy, pathol, patrol, pattee, patter, pattle, peachy, pealer, pearce, pearch, pearly, pechay, peeler, peerly, pelory, pelota, peltae, pelter, peltry, pelyte, peract, percha, perche, perter, pertly, petaly, petary, petate, peteca, pether, petrel, petrol, pettah, petter, pettle, peyote, pheeal, pheere, phocae, phocal, photal, phylae, phylar, phytol, placer, placet, platch, plater, platte, platty, player, playte, pleach, plotch, plotty, poachy, pochay, poetly, poetry, polary, porett, porret, portal, porter, portly, potate, potche, poteye, pother, pottah, potter, pottle, prater, pratey, pratty, prayer, preace, preach, precel, preter, pretor, pretry, pretty, preyer, prlate, proach, proart, proler, protea, protyl, pryler, pyrola, pyrrha, pyrrol, rachet, rapely, rapeye, raport, rapter, raptly, raptor, rarely, rarety, ratero, rather, rattel, ratter, rattle, rattly, raylet, reachy, realer, realty, reaper, rearly, recart, recept, rechal, rechar, recoal, recoat, recopy, recrop, rectal, rector, reecho, reechy, reeler, reeper, reetle, rehale, reheal, reheap, rehear, reheat, reheel, rehete, relace, relate, releap, repace, repale, repart, repeal, repeat, replay, replot, report, repray, rerate, rereel, rerope, retape, retare, retear, rether, retore, retort, retral, retree, retrot, retter, retype, rhetor, rhytta, rocher, rochet, ropery, rotary, rotate, rotche, rother, rotter, rottle, royale, tactor, talcer, talter, tapery, tapete, taplet, tarcel, tarpot, tarter, tartle, tartly, tartro, tatchy, tatler, taylor, teache, teachy, teapot, teapoy, tearer, teathe, tectal, teerer, teeter, teethe, teethy, telary, teleph, tepary, tephra, teraph, tercel, tercer, tercet, terete, terral, terret, tertry, tetchy, tether, tetrao, tetrol, tetryl, thaler, thecae, thecal, thecla, theory, therap, theyre, thoral, thorpe, thrace, thraep, threat, threep, threpe, throat, thrope, tocher, toecap, toltec, tolter, tophet, torcel, torchy, torret, totery, tother, tracer, treaty, trocar, trocha, troche, troely, tropal, troper, trophy, tropyl, trotyl, tylote, yatter, yclept, yearth, yelper, yether, yetter, yochel

5 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

acher, achor, acryl, actor, aholt, aleph, alert, aleye, alhet, alter, apert, apery, aport, apter, aptly, arche, archt, archy, areel, arere, arete, arett, aroph, arret, artel, arter, artly, atelo, ately, athel, atlee, atole, atopy, atter, attle, attry, ayelp, aylet, cahot, calor, calpe, capel, caper, caple, capot, carer, caret, carey, carle, carlo, carol, carot, carpe, carry, carte, carty, caryl, catel, cater, cathy, catty, ceorl, ceral, cerat, cerer, certy, ceryl, cetyl, chape, chare, charr, chart, chary, cheap, cheat, cheep, cheer, cheet, chela, chelp, chere, chert, chloe, chlor, choel, chola, chopa, chore, chort, chota, chott, choya, chyle, clape, clapt, clare, claro, clart, clary, claye, clear, cleat, cleep, clepe, clept, clote, cloth, cloye, clyer, clype, coaly, coapt, coart, coate, colat, colet, coley, copal, copay, coper, copra, corah, coral, corer, corey, corpl, corta, coryl, cothe, cothy, cotta, cotte, cotty, coyer, crape, crapy, crare, crate, craye, creel, creep, crepe, crept, crepy, creta, crete, croat, crore, croyl, cryal, crypt, cyath, cypre, cytol, early, earth, eater, eathe, ecart, echar, echea, eclat, ecole, ectal, eeler, elate, elect, elope, elpee, epact, ephor, eplot, epoch, erato, erect, erept, etape, ethal, ethel, ether, ethyl, ettle, eyrar, eyrer, haler, halte, haole, haply, harle, harpy, harre, harry, hatel, hater, hatte, hatty, hayer, hayle, heapy, heare, heart, hecte, helco, helot, hepar, heroe, herry, herye, hoary, holer, holey, hoper, horal, horla, horry, hotel, hotly, hoyle, hyper, lacer, lacet, lacey, lache, lacto, larch, laree, larry, latch, later, lathe, lathy, latro, latte, layer, leach, leapt, leare, leary, leath, leche, leear, leech, leery, lehay, leper, lepra, lepre, lepry, lepta, lerot, lethe, lethy, leyte, loach, loath, loche, lochy, loper, lorry, lotah, lotte, lyart, lycae, lycea, lycee, lycra, lythe, lytta, oater, ocher, ochry, ocrea, octal, octet, octyl, ocyte, oelet, ohare, olepy, opera, opter, orach, oracy, orale, orary, orate, orlet, ortet, otary, otate, other, ottar, otter, oylet, pacer, pacey, palch, paleo, paler, palet, parch, parel, pareo, parer, parle, parly, parol, parry, parte, parto, party, patch, patee, patel, pathy, patly, patte, patty, payee, payer, payor, peace, peach, peare, pearl, peart, peaty, pecht, peece, peele, peeoy, peert, peery, pelta, perca, perce, perch, perea, perle, perry, perth, perty, petal, petar, peter, petre, petro, petto, petty, phaet, phare, pharo, pheal, pheer, phoca, phyla, phyle, place, plate, plato, platy, pleat, ploat, ploce, plote, plott, plyer, poach, poche, polar, poler, poley, poral, porch, porer, poret, porry, porta, porte, porty, potch, poter, potty, prate, pratt, praty, prela, preta, proal, prole, prore, prote, pyche, pylar, pyral, racer, rache, ralph, raper, raphe, ratch, ratel, rater, rathe, ratty, rayle, reach, react, realo, reate, recal, recap, recpt, recto, reech, rehoe, relap, relay, relet, relot, repay, repel, repla, reply, repot, repro, repry, reree, retal, retar, retch, rethe, retro, retry, rhyta, roach, roary, roate, roche, rocta, roper, roral, rorty, rotal, rotch, roter, rotta, rotte, royal, royet, ryper, tacet, tache, tacho, talcy, taler, taper, tapet, taroc, tarot, tarre, tarry, tarte, tarty, tater, tayer, teach, teaey, teart, teary, teaty, techy, tecta, teeth, teety, tehee, telar, telco, tepal, tepee, tepor, tepoy, terap, terce, terra, terre, terry, tetch, tetel, tetra, theat, theca, theer, theet, theol, theor, there, theta, thete, thole, thore, thorp, thort, thrae, thrap, three, throe, tlaco, toher, tolar, topee, toper, tophe, toral, torch, toret, torta, torte, total, toter, toyer, trace, tract, trape, trapt, treat, treey, troat, troca, troch, trope, troth, tryer, trypa, tyche, tyler, typal, typer, typha, typto, tyrol, tythe, yacht, yarer, yarth, yarto, yeech, yerth, yrapt, ytter

4 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

acer, ache, achy, acle, acop, acor, acpt, acre, acth, acyl, aero, ahey, ahoy, alce, alco, alec, alee, alep, aloe, alop, alto, aper, arch, arco, aret, arle, arte, arty, aryl, atle, atoc, atop, atry, atte, atty, ayre, calo, calp, cape, caph, capo, capt, care, carl, carp, carr, cart, cate, cath, cele, celt, cepa, cepe, cera, cere, cero, cert, cete, chal, chao, chap, char, chat, chay, chee, cher, chol, chop, choy, chry, clap, clar, clat, clay, clee, clep, clop, clot, cloy, coal, coat, cola, cole, colp, colt, coly, copa, cope, copr, copt, copy, cora, core, corp, corr, cort, cory, cote, coth, cott, crap, cray, croh, crop, croy, crpe, ctrl, cyte, each, eale, earl, eath, eche, echo, echt, ecol, ecto, eech, eely, elec, eole, eorl, epee, epha, eral, erat, erer, erth, etat, etch, ethe, eyah, eyer, eyot, eyra, eyre, haec, hale, halo, halp, halt, hare, harl, haro, harp, harr, hart, hate, hatt, haye, heal, heap, hear, heat, heel, heep, heer, hela, hele, helo, help, hept, hera, here, herl, hero, herp, herr, hert, hery, hete, hoar, hoer, hoey, hola, hole, holp, holt, holy, hope, hora, hore, hort, hory, hote, hoya, htel, http, hyla, hyle, hype, hypo, hypt, hyte, lace, lacy, laer, laet, lare, late, lath, leap, lear, leat, lech, lect, leep, leer, leet, lehr, lepa, lere, lerp, lete, leto, lett, loca, lope, lora, lore, lory, lota, lote, lych, lyra, lyre, lyte, oary, oath, oaty, oche, ocht, octa, olea, olpe, opah, opal, opec, orae, oral, orca, orch, orle, orly, orra, orth, oyer, pace, paco, pact, pacy, paho, pale, palt, paly, parc, pare, parl, parr, part, pate, path, pato, patt, paty, paye, payt, peal, pear, peat, pech, peel, peer, peho, pela, pele, pelt, pere, perh, pert, peta, pete, peto, phar, phat, phot, plat, play, plea, plot, ploy, poet, poha, pole, polt, poly, porc, pore, porr, port, pory, pote, pott, prao, prat, pray, prec, pree, pret, prey, proa, proc, ptah, pyal, pyat, pyet, pyla, pyot, pyre, pyro, race, rach, racy, rale, rape, rapt, rare, rate, rath, rato, rcpt, real, reap, rear, rect, reel, reet, rely, repl, repo, repr, rept, rete, rhea, rheo, rhet, roar, roch, roer, roey, role, rope, ropy, rort, rory, rota, rotc, rote, rotl, royt, rtlt, ryal, ryot, rype, tace, tach, taco, tact, tael, tahr, talc, tale, tape, tare, taro, tarp, tarr, tart, tate, tath, tche, tchr, teal, teap, tear, teat, teca, tech, teel, teer, teet, tehr, tela, tele, telt, tepa, tepe, tera, terp, terr, tete, teth, thae, thar, that, thea, thee, they, thor, thro, toat, toch, toea, toey, tola, tole, tolt, tope, toph, torc, tore, torr, tort, tote, toty, trac, trah, trap, trat, tray, tree, tret, trey, trop, trot, troy, trye, tryp, tryt, tyee, tyer, type, typo, tyro, tyrr, tyte, tyto, yale, yare, yarl, yarr, yate, yeah, year, yeat, yech, yeel, yelp, yelt, yere, yeta, yeth, yett, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Electrotherapy

ace, ach, act, acy, aer, aho, alc, ale, alo, alp, alt, aly, aor, apc, ape, aph, apl, apr, apt, arc, are, arr, art, ary, ate, atp, att, aye, ayr, cal, cap, car, cat, cay, cee, cel, ceo, cep, cer, cha, che, cho, clo, clr, cly, col, cop, cor, cot, coy, cpa, cpl, cpo, cpr, cpt, crl, cro, crt, cry, cte, cto, ctr, cyl, cyp, ear, eat, ech, eco, ect, eec, eel, eer, ela, elt, epa, era, ere, err, ert, eta, etc, eth, ety, eye, eyl, eyr, hae, hao, hap, hat, hay, hcl, hee, hel, heo, hep, her, het, hey, hoa, hoc, hoe, hol, hop, hor, hot, hoy, hye, hyp, lac, lah, lao, lap, lar, lat, lay, lca, lea, lee, leo, lep, ler, let, ley, loa, loc, loe, lop, lor, lot, loy, ltr, lyc, lye, oar, oat, oca, och, oct, oer, ola, ole, olp, opa, ope, opt, ora, orc, ore, orl, ort, ory, otc, oye, pac, pah, pal, par, pat, pay, pct, pea, pec, pee, peh, pel, per, pet, pho, phr, pht, ply, poa, poh, pol, por, pot, poy, prc, pre, pro, pry, pta, pte, ptt, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rah, rap, rat, ray, rct, rea, rec, ree, reh, rel, rep, rha, rhe, rho, rhy, rle, rly, roc, roe, rot, rpt, rte, rya, rye, tal, tao, tap, tar, tat, tay, tch, tcp, tea, tec, tee, tel, ter, tet, tha, the, tho, thy, tlc, tlo, tlr, toa, toc, toe, tol, top, tor, tot, toy, tph, tra, trp, trt, try, tty, tye, typ, tyr, tyt, yah, yap, yar, yat, yea, yee, yeh, yeo, yep, yer, yet, yoe, yor, yot

Definitions for Electrotherapy

[1] treatment of diseases by means of electricity; electrotherapeutics.
[2] treatment in which electric currents are passed through the tissues to stimulate muscle function in paralysed patients

Words related to Electrotherapy

ECT, EST, psychosurgery

Words nearby Electrotherapy

electrotaxis, electrotechnics, electrotechnology, electrotherapeutics, electrotherapist, electrotherapy, electrothermal, electrothermal printer, electrotin, electrotint, electrotonus

Origin of Electrotherapy

First recorded in 1880–85; electro- + therapy

Synonyms for Electrotherapy

ECT, EST, convulsive therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, psychosurgery, shock treatment