9 Letter Words for Elevation
8 Letter Words for Elevation
elvanite, eventail, lavenite, levation, olivetan, velation, ventaile
7 Letter Words for Elevation
aeoline, alnoite, elation, elative, elevato, enalite, enolate, evolate, leniate, leonite, levanto, lineate, naivete, nieveta, novelet, tineola, toenail, veinlet, venetia, ventail, vinelet, violate, violent, volante, volente, volenti
6 Letter Words for Elevation
alevin, aliene, alvine, alvite, atveen, elaine, elanet, elevon, eloine, enlive, entail, entoil, enveil, eolian, etalon, etoile, ionate, lanete, lateen, latino, lation, lative, leaven, lenite, lenvoi, levant, levite, lionet, native, navete, navite, neavil, novale, novate, novela, novial, oleate, oleine, olivet, talion, tenail, teniae, tineal, toivel, tolane, valent, valete, valine, veinal, velate, veleta, veneti, veneto, venial, venite, ventil, vineae, vineal, violan, violet, voeten, volant, volent, voteen
5 Letter Words for Elevation
ainee, aleve, alien, aliet, alite, alive, aloin, alone, altin, anele, anile, anlet, anoil, anole, anoli, anvil, atelo, atlee, atole, atone, avile, avine, avion, eaten, elain, elate, elint, elite, eloin, elvan, elven, elvet, enate, enlit, enoil, ental, entea, entia, envoi, event, evite, ileon, inlet, intel, laeti, laine, laten, latin, laton, leave, lenti, lento, leone, leven, levet, levin, liane, lieve, linea, liven, loave, lotan, lovat, lovee, naeve, naevi, naive, navel, navet, neela, neive, nevat, nevel, nieve, nilot, niota, nival, notal, novae, novel, oaten, oelet, olein, olena, olent, oliva, olive, ontal, ovant, ovate, ovile, ovine, taino, talio, talon, teave, telia, teloi, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenla, tinea, toile, tolan, tonal, valet, veale, veena, velte, venae, venal, venie, venta, vilna, vilno, vinal, vinea, vinet, vinta, viola, vitae, vital, voila, voile, volae, volet, volta, volte, volti, votal
4 Letter Words for Elevation
aiel, aile, aine, aint, aion, alee, alen, alin, aloe, alto, anet, anil, ante, anti, aoli, atle, atli, avie, eale, eave, eevn, eila, eine, elan, elev, elne, elve, enol, ento, eoan, eole, eten, etna, eton, eval, even, evet, evil, evoe, ilea, ilot, inta, intl, into, invt, iota, ital, itel, laen, laet, lain, lait, lane, lant, late, lati, lave, lean, leat, leet, lena, lene, leno, lent, leon, lete, leto, leva, leve, levi, levo, lien, lina, line, lino, lint, lion, lite, live, loan, loin, lone, lota, lote, loti, love, nael, nail, naio, nale, naoi, natl, nato, nave, navi, neal, neat, neet, nete, neti, neve, nevi, nevo, nile, nito, noel, noil, nole, nolt, nota, note, nova, oint, olea, oval, oven, tael, taen, tail, tain, tale, tali, tane, tave, teal, tean, teel, teen, teil, tela, tele, teli, tene, tiao, tien, tile, tine, toea, toil, tola, tole, tone, vail, vain, vale, vali, vane, vant, veal, veen, veil, vein, vela, vele, velo, vena, vent, veta, veto, vial, vila, vile, vina, vine, vino, vint, viol, vita, vite, vlei, voet, vola, vole, volt, vota, vote
3 Letter Words for Elevation
ail, ain, ait, ale, aln, alo, alt, ane, ant, ate, ave, avn, avo, ean, eat, eel, een, ela, eli, elt, ene, enl, env, eon, eta, eve, iao, ile, ilo, int, inv, ion, ita, iva, ive, lai, lan, lao, lat, lav, lea, lee, lei, leo, let, lev, lie, lin, lit, loa, loe, lot, nae, nat, nav, nea, nee, nei, neo, net, nie, nil, nit, noa, nol, not, nov, oat, oie, oil, ola, ole, ona, one, oni, ont, ova, tai, tal, tan, tao, tav, tea, tee, tel, ten, tie, til, tin, tln, tlo, toa, toe, toi, tol, ton, tov, vae, val, van, vat, vee, vei, vel, vet, via, vie, vil, vin, voe, vol, von
Definitions for Elevation
[1] the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises: The elevation of the tower is 80 feet.
[2] the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level.
[3] an elevated place, thing, or part; an eminence.
[4] loftiness; grandeur or dignity; nobleness: elevation of mind.
[5] the act of elevating.
[6] the state of being elevated.
[7] Architecture . a drawing or design that represents an object or structure as being projected geometrically on a vertical plane parallel to one of its sides.
[8] Surveying . Also called angle of elevation. the angle between the line from an observer or instrument to an object above the observer or instrument and a horizontal line. the distance above a datum level.
[9] the ability of a dancer to stay in the air while executing a step or the height thus attained.
[10] the Elevation, Roman Catholic Church . the lifting by the celebrant of the Eucharistic elements immediately after consecration, for adoration by the communicants.
[11] the act of elevating or the state of being elevated
[12] the height of something above a given or implied place, esp above sea level
[13] a raised area; height
[14] nobleness or grandeur; loftiness elevation of thought
[15] a drawing to scale of the external face of a building or structure Compare plan (def. 3), ground plan (def. 1)
[16] the external face of a building or structure
[17] a ballet dancer's ability to leap high
[18] RC Church the lifting up of the Host at Mass for adoration
[19] astronomy another name for altitude (def. 3)
[20] the angle formed between the muzzle of a gun and the horizontal
[21] surveying the angular distance between the plane through a point of observation and an object above it Compare depression (def. 7)
[22] linguistics another term for amelioration
Words related to Elevation
mountain, altitude, ascent, acclivity, ridge, hillock, top, rise, roof, platform, boost, hoist, hill, uplift, heave, eminence, levitation, upthrow, ennoblement, raise
Words nearby Elevation
elev., elevate, elevated, elevated railroad, elevated railway, elevation, elevator, elevator muscle of angle of mouth, elevator muscle of anus, elevator muscle of prostate, elevator muscle of scapula
Origin of Elevation
1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French < Latin ēlevātiōn- (stem of ēlevātiō ), equivalent to ēlevāt(us ) (see elevate) + -iōn- -ion
Words that may be confused with Elevation
altitude, elevation, height, (see, synonym, study, at, height)
Other words from Elevation
non·el·e·va·tion , noun
re·el·e·va·tion , noun
Synonyms for Elevation
altitude, ascent, mountain, acclivity, boost, eminence, heave, hill, hillock, hoist, levitation, platform, ridge, rise, roof, top, uplift, upthrow