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Showing words for ELIMINATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Eliminate
8 Letter Words for Eliminate
7 Letter Words for Eliminate
6 Letter Words for Eliminate
5 Letter Words for Eliminate
4 Letter Words for Eliminate
3 Letter Words for Eliminate
Definitions for Eliminate
[1] to remove or get rid of, especially as being in some way undesirable: to eliminate risks; to eliminate hunger.
[2] to omit, especially as being unimportant or irrelevant; leave out: I have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist.
[3] to remove from further consideration or competition, especially by defeating in a contest.
[4] to eradicate or kill: to eliminate the enemy.
[5] Physiology . to void or expel from an organism.
[6] Mathematics . to remove (a quantity) from an equation by elimination.
[7] to remove or take out; get rid of
[8] to reject as trivial or irrelevant; omit from consideration
[9] to remove (a competitor, team, etc) from a contest, usually by defeat
[10] slang to murder in a cold-blooded manner
[11] physiol to expel (waste matter) from the body
[12] maths to remove (an unknown variable) from two or more simultaneous equations
Words related to Eliminate
oust, waive, ignore, erase, defeat, cancel, exclude, disqualify, eradicate, invalidate, drop, annihilate, eject, expel, liquidate, omit, terminate, slay, discard, disregard
Words nearby Eliminate
elijah, elijah muhammad, elijah's chair, elijah's cup, elikón, eliminate, elimination, elimination diet, eliminator, elinor, elint
Origin of Eliminate
1560–70; 1915–20 for def 4 ; < Latin ēlīminātus turned out of doors (past participle of ēlīmināre ), equivalent to ē- e-1 + līmin-, stem of līmen threshold + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Eliminate
e·lim·i·na·bil·i·ty [ih-lim-uh -nuh -bil -i-tee] /ɪˌlɪm ə nəˈbɪl ɪ ti/ , noun
e·lim·i·na·tive , adjective
non·e·lim·i·na·tive , adjective
pre·e·lim·i·nate , verb (used with object), pre·e·lim·i·nat·ed, pre·e·lim·i·nat·ing.
un·e·lim·i·nat·ed , adjective
well-e·lim·i·nat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Eliminate
C16: from Latin ēlīmināre to turn out of the house, from e- out + līmen threshold
Synonyms for Eliminate
cancel, defeat, dispose of, disqualify, eradicate, erase, exclude, get rid of, ignore, knock out, oust, phase out, stamp out, waive, wipe out, annihilate, discard, discharge, dismiss, disregard, drop, eject, evict, expel, exterminate, invalidate, kill, liquidate, murder, omit, reject, slay, terminate, waste, blot out, bump off, cast out, count out, cut out, dispense with, do away with, drive out, leave out, put out, rub out, rule out, set aside, shut the door on, take out