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Showing words for EMAIL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Email
email, maile, malie, melia
4 Letter Words for Email
aiel, aile, alem, alme, amel, amie, amil, amli, eila, ilea, lame, leam, lima, lime, mail, male, mali, meal, mela, miae, mila, mile
3 Letter Words for Email
ail, aim, ale, ame, ami, eam, ela, eli, elm, ile, lai, lam, lea, lei, lem, lie, lim, mae, mal, mea, mei, mel, mia, mil
Definitions for Email
[1] a system for sending messages from one individual to another via telecommunications links between computers or terminals using dedicated software: Communication by email is almost instantaneous.
[2] a message sent by email: Send me an email about that idea, and I'll get back to you.
[3] to send a message to by email: When you email me, don't forget to attach the documents.
Words related to Email
web, communications, Internet, WWW, e-mail, infobahn
Words nearby Email
emaciate, emaciated, emaciation, emacs, emagram, email, emalangeni, emanant, emanate, emanation, emancipate
Origin of Email
First recorded in 1980–85; e(lectronic) + mail1
Synonyms for Email
E-message, e-mail, online correspondence, online mail