9 Letter Words for Endorsing
8 Letter Words for Endorsing
endirons, negroids, negronis, nosering
7 Letter Words for Endorsing
derning, dineros, dingers, dingoes, dinners, disegno, donings, donsier, droning, endings, endiron, endrins, engirds, enrings, eringos, eroding, ginners, gironde, grinned, groined, ignored, ignores, indogen, negroid, negroni, norgine, ondines, ondings, ordines, redoing, regions, rending, rodings, rosined, sending, signore, siredon, snoring, sordine, sorning
6 Letter Words for Endorsing
deigns, deinos, dennis, derigs, dering, design, dinero, diners, dinger, dinges, dinner, dirges, dogies, doings, doning, donnes, donsie, dories, dosing, drones, edison, ending, endrin, engird, engrid, enring, ensign, eringo, erning, geison, genion, genros, genson, geoids, geosid, gideon, ginned, ginner, girned, giroed, girons, goners, greins, grides, grinds, grised, grison, groins, groned, grones, ignore, indone, ingoes, inners, inogen, ironed, irones, isogen, negros, nidors, nigers, noires, noised, nosier, nosine, nosing, ondine, onding, onside, orgies, reding, redons, region, reigns, renigs, renins, resign, resing, ridges, ringed, rinsed, roding, roined, rondes, rosied, rosing, sdeign, senior, sering, signed, signer, signon, signor, sinder, sindon, singed, singer, sinned, sinner, snider, snored, sodger, soigne, sonder, soneri, songer, soning, soring, sorned
5 Letter Words for Endorsing
deign, derig, derns, derog, diego, digne, diner, dines, dinge, dingo, dings, dinos, diose, dirge, doers, doesn, doges, dogie, doing, dongs, donis, donne, doris, dorse, dorsi, doser, dregs, dreng, dries, drinn, drone, egrid, eidos, engin, enorn, eosin, ergon, ering, esrog, genin, genio, genos, genro, geoid, girds, girns, giron, giros, girse, gnide, goers, goier, gondi, goner, gonid, gonne, gored, gores, gorse, grein, grens, gride, grids, grind, grins, groin, grond, grone, idose, inger, inned, inner, inone, inorg, ireos, irone, irons, negro, neons, nerds, nides, nidge, nidor, niger, niner, nines, ninos, nodes, noire, noirs, noise, nones, nongs, noreg, norge, norie, noris, norse, nosed, noser, nosig, oenin, ogres, oners, onned, ornes, ornis, oside, osier, redig, redon, redos, regin, regos, reign, reins, rends, renig, renin, resid, resin, resod, riden, rides, ridge, rinds, rines, ringe, rings, rinse, risen, rodes, rodge, roins, ronde, rones, ronin, ronne, rosed, rosin, sdein, segni, segno, sengi, senor, serin, serio, seron, sider, sined, singe, sinon, sired, siren, snide, snore, soger, soign, sonde, sonne, sored
4 Letter Words for Endorsing
deis, deni, dens, dern, dero, desi, dier, dies, digs, dine, ding, dino, dins, dire, doen, doer, does, doge, dogs, done, dong, doni, dons, dore, dorn, dors, dose, dreg, drie, dsri, egos, endo, ends, engr, engs, eons, ergo, ergs, erin, eris, erns, eros, geds, gein, geir, gens, geod, geos, gers, gids, gied, gien, gies, ginn, gins, gios, gird, gire, girn, giro, gise, gode, gods, goen, goer, goes, gois, gond, gone, gons, gore, gren, grid, grin, gris, gros, ideo, ides, inde, indn, ingo, inne, inns, inro, iode, ions, ired, ires, iron, isdn, ised, neds, negs, nein, neon, nerd, nide, nids, nied, nies, nine, niog, node, nodi, nods, noes, nogs, noir, none, nong, nore, nori, norn, nose, oder, odes, odin, ogre, oner, ones, ordn, ords, ored, ores, orig, redo, reds, regd, rego, regs, rein, rend, renn, reno, rgen, ride, rids, ries, rigs, rind, rine, ring, rins, rise, rode, rods, roed, roes, roid, roin, rond, rone, rong, rose, sego, seir, send, seor, serg, sero, side, sien, sier, sign, sind, sine, sing, sion, sire, sned, snig, snod, snog, soir, sond, sone, song, sord, sore, sori, sorn
3 Letter Words for Endorsing
deg, dei, den, der, des, die, dig, din, dir, dis, doe, dog, don, dor, dos, dso, dsr, edo, eds, ego, eir, end, eng, ens, eon, eos, erd, erg, ern, ers, esd, esr, gds, ged, gen, geo, ger, gid, gie, gin, gio, gis, gns, god, goi, gon, gor, gos, gro, grs, ide, ido, ids, ign, ind, ing, inn, ins, ion, ios, ire, irs, ise, isn, iso, ned, neg, nei, neo, nid, nie, nig, nis, nne, nod, nog, non, nor, nos, ode, ods, oer, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ons, ord, ore, org, ors, ose, osi, red, reg, rei, res, rid, rie, rig, rin, rio, rnd, rod, roe, rog, roi, ron, ros, sed, seg, sei, sen, ser, sgd, sie, sig, sin, sir, sod, sog, son, sri
Definitions for Endorsing
[1] to approve, support, or sustain: to endorse a political candidate.
[2] to designate oneself as payee of (a check) by signing, usually on the reverse side of the instrument.
[3] to sign one's name on (a commercial document or other instrument).
[4] to make over (a stated amount) to another as payee by one's endorsement.
[5] to write (something) on the back of a document, paper, etc.: to endorse instructions; to endorse one's signature.
[6] to acknowledge (payment) by placing one's signature on a bill, draft, etc.
[7] Heraldry . a narrow pale, about one quarter the usual width and usually repeated several times.
[8] to give approval or sanction to
[9] to sign (one's name) on the back of (a cheque, etc) to specify oneself as payee
[10] commerce to sign the back of (a negotiable document) to transfer ownership of the rights to a specified payee to specify (a designated sum) as transferable to another as payee
[11] to write (a qualifying comment, recommendation, etc) on the back of a document
[12] to sign (a document), as when confirming receipt of payment
[13] mainly British to record (a conviction) on (a driving licence)
Words related to Endorsing
endorsesanction, affirm, okay, uphold, ratify, defend, advocate, back, commend, favor, confirm, praise, recommend, approve, sign, underwrite, authenticate, champion, attest, boost
Words nearby Endorsing
endorseendorheic, endorphin, endorphinergic, endorphins, endorsation, endorse, endorsee, endorsement, endosalpingitis, endosarc, endoscope
Origin of Endorsing
e1350–1400; variant (with en- for in- ) of earlier indorse < Medieval Latin indorsāre to endorse, equivalent to Latin in- in-2 + -dorsāre, derivative of dorsum back; replacing endoss, Middle English endossen < Old French endosser, equivalent to en- en-1 + -dosser, derivative of dos < Latin dorsum
Words that may be confused with Endorsing
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, endorseapprove, endorse, (see, synonym, study, at, approve)
Other words from Endorsing
en·dors·a·ble , adjective
en·dors·er , en·dor·sor , noun
en·dors·ing·ly , adverb
en·dor·sive , adjective
pre·en·dorse , verb (used with object), pre·en·dorsed, pre·en·dors·ing.
re·en·dorse , verb (used with object), re·en·dorsed, re·en·dors·ing.
sub·en·dorse , verb (used with object), sub·en·dorsed, sub·en·dors·ing.
su·per·en·dorse , verb (used with object), su·per·en·dorsed, su·per·en·dors·ing.
un·en·dors·a·ble , adjective
un·en·dorsed , adjective
well-en·dorsed , adjective
Word origin for Endorsing
eC16: from Old French endosser to put on the back, from en- 1 + dos back, from Latin dorsum
Synonyms for Endorsing
advocate, affirm, approve, back, commend, confirm, defend, favor, okay, praise, ratify, recommend, sanction, uphold, accredit, attest, authenticate, bless, boost, certify, champion, countenance, guarantee, push, second, sustain, underwrite, warrant, witness, back up, give a boost to, give green light, give one's word, give the go-ahead, give the nod, go along with, go to bat for, go with, lend one's name to, rubber-stamp, stand behind, stand up for, stump for, subscribe to, vouch for