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Showing words for ENEMY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Enemy
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Definitions for Enemy
[1] a person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.
[2] an armed foe; an opposing military force: The army attacked the enemy at dawn.
[3] a hostile nation or state.
[4] a citizen of such a state.
[5] enemies, persons, nations, etc., that are hostile to one another: Let's make up and stop being enemies.
[6] something harmful or prejudicial: His unbridled ambition is his worst enemy.
[7] the Enemy, the Devil; Satan.
[8] belonging to a hostile power or to any of its nationals: enemy property.
[9] Obsolete . inimical; ill-disposed.
[10] a person hostile or opposed to a policy, cause, person, or group, esp one who actively tries to do damage; opponent
[11] an armed adversary; opposing military force (as modifier ) enemy aircraft
[12] a hostile nation or people (as modifier ) an enemy alien
[13] something that harms or opposes; adversary courage is the enemy of failure
Words related to Enemy
murderer, spy, terrorist, competitor, rival, guerrilla, agent, detractor, bandit, foe, villain, traitor, rebel, opposition, invader, criminal, adversary, antagonist, opponent, prosecutor
Words nearby Enemy
endymion, endysis, ene, enea, enema, enemy, enemy alien, eneolithic, energetic, energetics, energid
Origin of Enemy
1250–1300; Middle English enemi < Anglo-French, Old French < Latin inimicus unfriendly, equivalent to in- in-3 + amicus friendly, friend; see amicable
Other words from Enemy
non·en·e·my , noun, plural non·en·e·mies.
Related adjective: inimical
Word origin for Enemy
C13: from Old French enemi, from Latin inimīcus hostile, from in- 1 + amīcus friend
Synonyms for Enemy
adversary, agent, antagonist, attacker, bandit, competitor, criminal, detractor, foe, guerrilla, invader, murderer, opponent, opposition, prosecutor, rebel, rival, spy, terrorist, traitor, villain, assailant, assassin, backbiter, betrayer, contender, defamer, defiler, disputant, emulator, falsifier, informer, inquisitor, revolutionary, saboteur, slanderer, traducer, vilifier, archenemy, asperser, bad person, calumniator, fifth column, other side, seditionist