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Showing words for ENGINEER using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Engineer
7 Letter Words for Engineer
6 Letter Words for Engineer
5 Letter Words for Engineer
4 Letter Words for Engineer
3 Letter Words for Engineer
Definitions for Engineer
[1] a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or machines, or in any of various branches of engineering: a mechanical engineer; a civil engineer.
[2] a person who operates or is in charge of an engine.
[3] Also called locomotive engineer. Railroads . a person who operates or is in charge of a locomotive.
[4] a member of an army, navy, or air force specially trained in engineering work.
[5] Digital Technology . a person skilled in the design and programming of computer systems: a software engineer; a web engineer.
[6] a skillful manager: a political engineer.
[7] to plan, construct, or manage as an engineer: He's engineered several big industrial projects.
[8] to design or create using the techniques or methods of engineering: The motor has been engineered to run noiselessly.
[9] to arrange, manage, or carry through by skillful or artful contrivance: He certainly engineered the election campaign beautifully.
[10] a person trained in any branch of the profession of engineering
[11] the originator or manager of a situation, system, etc
[12] a mechanic; person who repairs or services machines
[13] US and Canadian the driver of a railway locomotive
[14] an officer responsible for a ship's engines
[15] Informal name: sapper a member of the armed forces, esp the army, trained in engineering and construction work
[16] to originate, cause, or plan in a clever or devious manner he engineered the minister's downfall
[17] to design, plan, or construct as a professional engineer
Words related to Engineer
designer, builder, director, surveyor, manager, planner, architect, inventor, organize, concoct, create, manage, negotiate, direct, supervise, conceive, manipulate, arrange, originator, schemer
Words nearby Engineer
engine driver, engine house, engine pod, engine room, engine turning, engineer, engineer officer, engineer's chain, engineering, engineering geology, engineman
Origin of Engineer
1350–1400; engine + -eer; replacing Middle English engin(e)our < Anglo-French engineor Old French engigneor < Medieval Latin ingeniātor, equivalent to ingeniā(re ) to design, devise (verbal derivative of ingenium; see engine) + Latin -tor -tor
Other words from Engineer
sub·en·gi·neer , noun
un·en·gi·neered , adjective
well-en·gi·neered , adjective
Word origin for Engineer
C14: enginer, from Old French engigneor, from engignier to contrive, ultimately from Latin ingenium skill, talent; see engine
Synonyms for Engineer
architect, builder, designer, director, inventor, manager, planner, surveyor, contriver, deviser, manipulator, originator, schemer, sights, techie, technie