8 Letter Words for Enthrall
7 Letter Words for Enthrall
6 Letter Words for Enthrall
altern, anther, antler, arthel, ethnal, halter, hantle, harten, lathen, lather, lethal, nather, rental, taller, tellar, ternal, thaler, thenal, thenar, thrall
5 Letter Words for Enthrall
ahent, alert, alhet, allen, aller, alter, anlet, antre, arent, artel, athel, atren, earth, ellan, enhat, ental, ethal, haler, halte, harle, hatel, hater, heart, laten, later, lathe, learn, leath, lenth, nathe, neath, neral, ratel, rathe, renal, retal, retan, taler, telar, tenla, terna, thane, thrae
4 Letter Words for Enthrall
alen, anet, anre, ante, aren, aret, arle, arte, atle, earl, earn, eath, elan, entr, eral, erat, erth, etna, haen, hale, hall, halt, hant, hare, harl, harn, hart, hate, heal, hear, heat, hela, hell, hent, hera, herl, hern, hert, htel, laen, laer, laet, lane, lant, lare, larn, late, lath, leal, lean, lear, leat, lehr, lena, lent, ller, nael, nale, nare, natl, natr, neal, near, neat, neth, rale, rall, rane, rant, rate, rath, real, rean, rent, rhea, rhet, tael, taen, tahr, tale, tall, tane, tanh, tare, tarn, teal, tean, tear, tehr, tela, tell, tera, tern, thae, than, thar, thea, then, trah, trna
3 Letter Words for Enthrall
aer, ale, all, aln, alt, ane, ant, are, arn, art, ate, ean, ear, eat, ela, ell, elt, enl, era, ern, ert, eta, eth, hae, han, hat, hel, hen, her, het, lah, lan, lar, lat, lea, ler, let, lnr, ltr, nae, nah, nar, nat, nea, net, nth, rah, ran, rat, rea, reh, rel, rha, rhe, rle, rna, rte, tal, tan, tar, tea, tel, ten, ter, tha, the, tln, tlr, tra
Definitions for Enthrall
[1] to captivate or charm: a performer whose grace, skill, and virtuosity enthrall her audiences.
[2] to put or hold in slavery; subjugate: to be enthralled by illusions and superstitions.
Words related to Enthrall
bewitch, fascinate, subdue, mesmerize, preoccupy, hypnotize, beguile, enrapture, enchant, intrigue, rivet, grip, entrance, engage, absorb, hook, charm, enslave, subjugate, grab
Words nearby Enthrall
enthesis, enthesitis, enthesopathy, enthetic, enthral, enthrall, enthralling, enthrone, enthronement, enthuse, enthusiasm
Origin of Enthrall
First recorded in 1570–80; en-1 + thrall
Other words from Enthrall
en·thrall·er , noun
en·thrall·ing·ly , adverb
en·thrall·ment , noun
Synonyms for Enthrall
beguile, bewitch, enchant, enrapture, fascinate, hypnotize, intrigue, mesmerize, preoccupy, rivet, subdue, absorb, charm, engage, enslave, entrance, grab, grip, hook, spellbind, subject, subjugate, hold spellbound