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Showing words for ENTREE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Entree
5 Letter Words for Entree
4 Letter Words for Entree
3 Letter Words for Entree
Definitions for Entree
[1] a dish served as the main course of a meal.
[2] Older Use . a dish served at dinner between the principal courses.
[3] the privilege of entering; access.
[4] a means of obtaining entry: His friendship with an actor's son was his entrée into the theatrical world.
[5] the act of entering; entrance.
[6] a dish served before a main course
[7] mainly US the main course of a meal
[8] the power or right of entry
Words related to Entree
entréeadmission, entrance, debut, door, incoming, introduction, in, adit, ingress, access, connection, contact, way, entry, induction, importation
Words nearby Entree
entréeentry, entry blank, entry-level, entryism, entryway, entrée, entwine, entwist, entypy, enucleate, enuf
Origin of Entree
ée1775–85; < French, noun use of feminine past participle of entrer to enter; see entry
Word origin for Entree
éeC18: from French, from entrer to enter ; in cookery, so called because formerly the course was served after an intermediate course called the relevé (remove)
Synonyms for Entree
admission, access, adit, connection, contact, debut, door, entrance, entry, importation, in, incoming, induction, ingress, introduction, way, open arms, open door