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Showing words for EPOCHAL using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Epochal
6 Letter Words for Epochal
5 Letter Words for Epochal
4 Letter Words for Epochal
3 Letter Words for Epochal
Definitions for Epochal
[1] of, relating to, or of the nature of an epoch.
[2] extremely important, significant, or influential.
Words related to Epochal
fitful, infrequent, recurrent, occasional, periodic, seasonal, recurring, notable, crucial, far-reaching, historic, fateful, significant, memorable, consequential, pivotal, eventful, meaningful, decisive, weighty
Words nearby Epochal
epizooty, epns, epo, epoch, epoch-making, epochal, epode, epoetin alfa, eponychia, eponychium, eponym
Origin of Epochal
First recorded in 1675–85; epoch + -al1
Other words from Epochal
ep·och·al·ly , adverb
non·ep·och·al , adjective
pre·ep·och·al , adjective
un·ep·och·al , adjective
Synonyms for Epochal
fitful, infrequent, occasional, periodic, recurrent, recurring, seasonal, alternate, arrested, broken, by bits and pieces, checked, cyclic, cyclical, discontinuing, discontinuous, every other, here and there, hit-or-miss, interrupted, isochronal, isochronous, iterant, iterative, metrical, now and then, on and off, periodical, punctuated, rhythmic, rhythmical, serial, shifting, spasmodic, stop-and-go