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Showing words for EQUALING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Equaling


7 Letter Words for Equaling

equanil, equinal, inequal, linguae, quienal, quinela, unagile

6 Letter Words for Equaling

algine, angule, enigua, gaulin, genial, genual, guinea, lagune, langue, laquei, leguan, linage, lingua, lungie, naigue, naique, nilgau, queing, ulnage, unegal

5 Letter Words for Equaling

agile, agnel, alenu, algin, alien, align, angel, angle, anile, augen, elain, equal, gaine, galen, genal, genua, glean, guile, ingle, inglu, inula, lagen, laine, langi, legin, legua, liane, liang, ligan, ligne, linea, linga, linge, lunge, lungi, nagel, nigua, nugae, qiang, quail, quale, queal, quean, quena, quila, quina, quine, ugali, uinal, ulnae, unlie

4 Letter Words for Equaling

agen, agin, aglu, agni, ague, aiel, aile, aine, ainu, alen, alin, anil, auge, aune, egal, eila, elan, engl, gael, gaen, gail, gain, gale, gali, gane, gaul, gaun, geal, gean, gein, gena, genl, genu, gien, gila, gile, glei, glen, glia, glue, gneu, guan, gula, gule, guna, gunl, iglu, ilea, inga, laen, lain, lane, lang, laun, lean, lena, leng, lien, lieu, lige, lina, line, ling, luge, luna, lune, lung, nael, nagi, naig, nail, nale, neal, ngai, nile, quag, quai, qual, quan, quei, quia, quin, uang, ugli, ulan, ulna, unai, unal, unie

3 Letter Words for Equaling

age, ail, ain, ale, alg, aln, ane, anu, aug, aul, ean, eau, ela, eli, eng, enl, gal, gan, gau, gel, gen, gie, gin, gnu, gue, gui, gul, gun, ign, ile, ing, lag, lai, lan, lea, leg, lei, leu, lie, lig, lin, liq, lue, lug, nae, nag, nea, neg, nei, nie, nig, nil, nul, qua, que, qui, ula, ule, una, ung, uni, unl, unq

Definitions for Equaling

[1] as great as; the same as (often followed by to or with ): The velocity of sound is not equal to that of light.
[2] like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.: two students of equal brilliance.
[3] evenly proportioned or balanced: an equal contest.
[4] uniform in operation or effect: equal laws.
[5] adequate or sufficient in quantity or degree: The supply is equal to the demand.
[6] having adequate powers, ability, or means: He was equal to the task.
[7] level, as a plain.
[8] tranquil or undisturbed: to confront death with an equal mind.
[9] impartial or equitable.
[10] a person or thing that is equal.
[11] to be or become equal to; meet or match: So far the rate of production doesn't equal the demand. If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C.
[12] to make or do something equal to: No matter how he tries, he can't equal his brother's achievements.
[13] Archaic . to make equal; equalize.
[14] Obsolete . to recompense fully.
[15] (often foll by to or with ) identical in size, quantity, degree, intensity, etc; the same (as)
[16] having identical privileges, rights, status, etc all men are equal before the law
[17] having uniform effect or application equal opportunities
[18] evenly balanced or proportioned the game was equal between the teams
[19] (usually foll by to) having the necessary or adequate strength, ability, means, etc (for) to be equal to one's work
[20] another word for equivalent (def. 3a)
[21] a person or thing equal to another, esp in merit, ability, etc he has no equal when it comes to boxing
[22] (tr) to be equal to; correspond to; match my offer equals his
[23] (intr usually foll by out ) to become equal or level
[24] (tr) to make, perform, or do something equal to to equal the world record
[25] (tr) archaic to make equal

Words related to Equaling

equalaccessible, qualified, apt, ripe, handy, skilled, effective, capable, efficient, responsible, prepared, keen, intelligent, smart, profitable, productive, useful, energetic, able, skillful

Words nearby Equaling

equaleq, eq., eqc, eqpt., equable, equal, equal employment opportunity commission, equal opportunities commission, equal opportunity, equal pay, equal protection of the laws

Origin of Equaling

1350–1400; Middle English (adj.) < Latin aequālis equal, like, equivalent to aequ(us ) even, plain, just + -ālis -al1

Other words from Equaling

non·e·qual , adjective, noun
qua·si-e·qual , adjective
qua·si-e·qual·ly , adverb
sub·e·qual , adjective
sub·e·qual·ly , adverb

Word origin for Equaling

C14: from Latin aequālis, from aequus level, of obscure origin

Synonyms for Equaling

amount to, break even, compare, comprise, correspond, match, reach, agree, approach, balance, coordinate, emulate, equalize, equate, equipoise, level, meet, parallel, rival, tally, tie, touch, be commensurate, be identical, be level, be tantamount, come up to, consist of, equiponderate, keep pace with, live up to, measure up, partake of, rank with, rise to, run abreast, square with