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Showing words for EQUALIZED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Equalized
8 Letter Words for Equalized
7 Letter Words for Equalized
6 Letter Words for Equalized
5 Letter Words for Equalized
4 Letter Words for Equalized
3 Letter Words for Equalized
Definitions for Equalized
[1] to make equal: to equalize tax burdens.
[2] to make uniform: to equalize a rate of production.
[3] (tr) to make equal or uniform; regularize
[4] (intr) (in sports) to reach the same score as one's opponent or opponents
Words related to Equalized
equalizeadjust, even, trim, square, standardize, handicap, rival, level, smooth, equal, compare, socialize, emulate, equate, coordinate, establish, parallel, match, communize, regularize
Words nearby Equalized
equalizeequali, equalitarian, equality, equality state, equalization payment, equalize, equalizer, equally, equanil, equanimity, equanimous
Origin of Equalized
First recorded in 1580–90; equal + -ize
Other words from Equalized
e·qual·i·za·tion , noun
non·e·qual·i·za·tion , noun
non·e·qual·ized , adjective
non·e·qual·iz·ing , adjective
un·e·qual·ize , verb (used with object), un·e·qual·ized, un·e·qual·iz·ing.
Synonyms for Equalized
adjust, even up, communize, compare, coordinate, democratize, emulate, equal, equate, establish, even, handicap, level, match, parallel, regularize, rival, smooth, socialize, square, standardize, trim, commeasure