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Showing words for ERRAND using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Errand
5 Letter Words for Errand
4 Letter Words for Errand
3 Letter Words for Errand
Definitions for Errand
[1] a short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose, as to buy something, deliver a package, or convey a message, often for someone else.
[2] the purpose of such a trip: He finished his errands.
[3] a special mission or function entrusted to a messenger; commission.
[4] a short trip undertaken to perform a necessary task or commission (esp in the phrase run errands )
[5] the purpose or object of such a trip
Words related to Errand
duty, assignment, charge, mission, commission, job, message
Words nearby Errand
erotophobia, erp, erpf, err, errancy, errand, errand boy, errant, errantry, errare humanum est, errata
Origin of Errand
before 900; Middle English erande, Old English ærende; cognate with Old High German āruntī; compare Old English ār messenger, Gothic airus
Word origin for Errand
Old English ǣrende; related to ār messenger, Old Norse erendi message, Old High German ārunti, Swedish ärende
Synonyms for Errand
assignment, charge, commission, duty, job, message, mission